Will Tattoo Barbie Help Save Seals?

Barbie turns 50 this year, so of course sista-girl had to come correct with a groovy new vibe. Ever the trend-setter, the Queen of Pink is sporting a new look called Totally Stylin’ Tattoos Barbie. That’s right, as the perpetual 18-year-old reaches the dawn of her golden years, she’s steppin’ out inked up, tattoo gun … Read more »

Pink and Stella McCartney Unveil Anti-Fur Ad in Paris

Pink and Stella McCartney took time out of their busy schedules this afternoon to unveil our new TV ad, “Stolen for Fashion,” at Paris’ fashion week. In the 30-second spot, a loveable alligator, voiced by Pink, and a feisty rabbit, voiced by U.K. funnyman Ricky Gervais, confront the fashion felons who stole their skins. Check … Read more »

Shrine Circus Elephant Ride Injures 12 Kids

portland / CC Twelve children were treated by paramedics on Saturday when an elephant who was being forced to give rides at the Indiana State Fairgrounds bumped into the mobile staircase on which kids stood awaiting rides, knocking it down. The rides were being given between performances of the Murat Shrine Circus. Luckily, the kids … Read more »

The Women of Bluewater Comics Would Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur

With Watchmen hitting theaters recently, comics are having yet another moment in the pop-culture sun. And if you’re a fan of the indies, you probably know Bluewater Comics. You may have read their “sequels” to some of your fave Hollywood mythology films—like The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad, Clash of the Titans, and Jason and the … Read more »

PETA Supports Al Gore’s Internet Initiative

politicsonline / CC Well … kind of. The former veep, unsatisfied with having invented the Internet itself, is now attempting to create a new domain-name suffix “.eco” for use by individuals, organizations, and companies that promote environmentally friendly causes. We think this is such a great idea that we plan to be first in line … Read more »

Blood on the Ice in Ottawa

With the start of the annual Canadian seal slaughter just a few weeks away, PETA took to the frozen Rideau Canal in Ottawa to help stop the killings. Skaters looked on in wonderment as activists recreated the “crime scene” from an attack on a baby seal. Check out these photos from the demo:   If … Read more »

Naked YouTube Celebs Proposition PETA

First, they brought us The Miracle Beer Diet (a weight-loss fad sweeping college campuses across the country). Now, the folks at Liv Films—the evil geniuses behind some of the hottest and most hilarious videos ever to hit YouTube—are back with what I consider their masterpiece: “Go Naked or Wear Fur?” Inspired by our popular Jenna … Read more »

Will Human-Faced Fish Save the Seas?

You may have noticed that PETA has been working hard to give our finned friends a PR boost. Well, it seems that some sea kittens in South Korea may have heard about our campaign and decided to do their own makeover. According to an article in the U.K.’s Telegraph, two female carp in a small … Read more »

Hero of the Day: Senator Mac Harb

Well, you gotta give the guy points for trying. Courageous Canadian Senator Mac Harb introduced a bill on Tuesday to ban Canada’s annual slaughter of hundreds of thousands of baby harp seals, but he failed to find even one other senator with a backbone (or heartbeat) to support it. Despite the fact that most Canadians—and … Read more »

Gas Chamber Bans Proposed in Southern States

As hard as it is to believe, animal shelters in some states—including Georgia and North Carolina—continue to kill unwanted animals in gas chambers, with all the accompanying horror that such an image conjures. Fortunately, legislation has been introduced in both states to ban these horrendous contraptions for good. It can take anywhere from 20 to … Read more »

Wilmer Valderrama’s Anti-Circus Awesomeness

OK, it’s official—we’re wild about Wilmer. Feztastic on That 70s Show, unforgettable in Fast Food Nation, and smooth as hell as the dude in charge of doling out disses on MTV’s Yo Momma, Wilmer’s latest television role is his most heartfelt yet. He recently took the time to crack the whip on the circus industry … Read more »

Victory! JPMorgan Chase Ditches Glue Traps

smashin / CC A whistleblower recently reported that a Washington Mutual (WaMu) branch in the Chicago area was using glue traps to catch mice. We contacted James Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase—which recently acquired WaMu—and explained that animals entangled in glue traps often suffer from torn flesh and even broken bones resulting from their panicked … Read more »

Kentucky Fried Contamination

It should be no surprise to regular readers of this blog that we keep an eye on happenings at KFC, so this caught our eye: According to news reports, the manager of a KFC in Manchester, New Hampshire, received a hoax phone call from someone who claimed to be from KFC’s corporate offices and told … Read more »

Paul Harvey Harnessed Air Waves to Help Animals

theirvins / CC It’s with deep regret and sadness that we announce the passing of Paul Harvey—a man who for decades used his voice to speak up against the injustices suffered by animals. As America’s most listened-to radio personality, Mr. Harvey formed a connection with his audience like none other. His quirky delivery style and … Read more »

Who’s Been Sleeping in Your Bed?

webshots / CC You don’t have to answer that. But answer this: What do you get when you cross a lemur, a monkey, and an alligator named Bob? If you’re Arlin Valdez-Castillo—you get angry skin lesions and a humdinger of a lawsuit. According to court documents, in 2004, Ms. Valdez-Castillo, a housekeeper at a Hampton … Read more »

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