On the Streets With PETA!

The whole world is coming out of hibernation for spring. What better time to get outdoors and get active for animals? There are all sorts of demos happening. Check ’em out!     This was a particularly moving demo in Calgary to fight the Canadian seal slaughter. This demonstration took place outside the Canadian Consulate … Read more »

PETA (Hearts) Noop Dog

  today.msnbc.msn / CC Lambert? Nope. Gokey? Sorry! We’re all about Noop Dog here at PETA! Devastated as I was when Anoop Desai got voted off American Idol this week, my day perked up when I discovered that our friends over at PETA India have approached Anoop to ask him to work with them. They … Read more »

US Airways: PETA’s ‘End the Seal Slaughter’ Billboard?

Update: US Airways rejected our initial offer, but that little bump in the road isn’t stopping us. We’re still hopeful that we can work something out with the airline—and if US Airways isn’t open to talking, we’ll be approaching other airlines with the idea. With the 2010 Olympics approaching, people are looking to book their … Read more »

Pamela and Putin: Teaming Up for Seals?

gossipcheck / CC Pamela Anderson and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin? It turns out that the two of them have more in common than you might think. Namely, they are both opposed to the mass slaughter of seals. Pamela has written to Putin suggesting that he use his political influence to help her—and many other … Read more »

Stunning Pro-Seal Protesters’ Photos

From Los Angeles, California, to Paducah, Kentucky and from Berlin, Germany, to Zagreb, Croatia—all around the world, caring people are taking to the streets to protest against the shameful Canadian seal slaughter. These caring activists are showing Canada that the world will not tolerate this bloody massacre. We’ve posted many entries on this blog with … Read more »

S-H-A-M-E Canada Billboard Hits Ontario

Some people just need to have things spelled out for them before they catch on. At this very moment, the seal slaughter is staining the ice floes of Canada blood red, despite all the not-so-subtle hints that we’ve been dropping to let Canada know that allowing a massacre to take place on its territory is … Read more »

Aussie Singer Stars in New Anti-Fur Ad

Australian vocalist Missy Higgins is no newcomer to PETA. A few years back, she graciously appeared in one of our most adorable pro-vegetarian ads ever. Now she is lending her star power to an equally adorable new PETA anti-fur ad. Joining the ranks of Charlize Theron and Friday Night Lights actor Aimee Teegarden, the award-winning … Read more »

Angelina Jolie Is Still Fur-Free

czabe / CC Yes, Angelina Jolie was spotted wearing what appeared to be a chinchilla-trimmed hat and cape on the set of her latest movie, spurring one of the best blog headlines that we’ve seen all week. But our L.A. staffers—knowing that Angelina is a longtime fur foe—were on it faster than Liza Minelli can … Read more »

Obama ‘Outraged’ Over Seal Slaughter

In 2006, when Barack Obama was an Illinois Senator, he wrote a letter to a group of constituents to thank them for their support of a resolution against the Canadian seal slaughter. He assured them that he would use his seat in the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to support the resolution. “But Amanda,” you … Read more »

Help Battle Seal Slaughterers in World of Warcraft

The following blog is a guest post from peta2’s Ryan. The fight against the Canadian seal slaughter has gone digital! That’s right, gamers, get ready: This Saturday, World of Warcraft (WoW) players will have the opportunity to combat a team of four Horde seal killers. We need your help to stop them from bashing in … Read more »


Phew! We have so many great protest pictures to share that we decided to hit you with them all at once. Brace yourselves: Animal defenders of all ages turned out for our protest against the (ab)use of animals in trauma training exercises at Fort Bragg … … including baby McCartney (named after you-know-who). Our gaggle … Read more »

Sexiest Vegetarians Bare All

A record-breaking 200,000 votes poured in for this year’s Sexiest Vegetarian Next Door contest, and after four rounds of weeding out the hot from the super hot, we’ve finally selected the winners. As soon as we found out that Amber, the sexy photographer from Minnesota, and Monty, the globe-trotting filmmaker and artist from L.A., had … Read more »

The Fight Against the Seal Slaughter Circles the Globe

By now, the whole world knows about the horrors of the Canadian seal slaughter. With demonstrations taking place around the world, it’s pretty hard not to notice. Our friends in Canada, Germany, and cities across the U.S. have been out on the streets to spread the word. Check out some photos of recent demonstrations, and … Read more »

PETA to Rename Montreal Canadiens?

  neobeans / CC Canadian hockey hasn’t given anyone much to cheer about since the Montréal Canadiens’ last Stanley Cup victory 16 years ago. But if PETA has its way, Canadiens fans will get another chance to be victorious on the ice—the ice floes, that is. The owner of the Montréal Canadiens is considering selling … Read more »

The Canadian Seal Slaughter: An End in Sight?

You have to wonder why the seal slaughter is allowed to continue even though almost everyone is opposed to it, including most Canadians. Helpless baby seals are beaten to death. The babies are dragged across the ice with boat hooks, and some are even skinned alive. So you see why we’re doing all we can … Read more »

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