Dear Furries, Please Don’t Wear Real Fur. Love, PETA

Heads up, Pittsburgh: A menagerie of costumed wolves, rabbits, foxes, and other fake fauna are about to converge on your city. And no, it has nothing to do with PETA. Actually, it’s all about Anthrocon—the world’s largest “Furry” convention. OK, so if you don’t know what a Furry is, I know you’re dying to ask. … Read more »

As Maine Goes …

  indybay / CC They say, “As Maine goes, so goes the nation.“. With that in mind, have you heard the news out of Maine? It’s the sixth state to pass legislation significantly changing rights for state residents. No, not that. I’m talking about this recent legislation, which bans the use of veal and gestation … Read more »

Real Housewife to Go Real Naked for PETA

  delish / CC When I was in college, Bravo was one of the only channels I watched in my NYC apartment. I spent hours glued to Project Runway marathons, but the most addictive show was always The Real Housewives of New York City. The housewives were full of can’t-turn-away drama, and I secretly hoped … Read more »

Fur Flies at Anna Wintour Event

  frillr / CC Queen Bee fur hag Anna Wintour didn’t really think we’d let her spread her fashion drivel gospel to the masses unfettered, did she? As the Vogue editor prepared to give a talk at the New York City 92nd Street Y about the “cultural impact” of her rag magazine last night, two … Read more »

U.S. Senate Wants to End the Seal Slaughter

The number of people who are willing to stand by as the Canadian government allows seals to be slaughtered each year by the hundreds of thousands is decreasing fast. Recently, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed U.S. Senate Resolution 84, calling for an immediate end to the annual seal slaughter. This vote comes less than a … Read more »

Olympic Seal Skin Uniforms? No Way!

neobeans / CC The Canadian Parliament, in a mad scramble to respond to the very recent European Union ban on seal products, put forth a motion on Wednesday that the 500 members of the Canadian Olympic team wear seal skins as part of their official uniforms. Um … gross! Luckily, sanity prevailed, and the head … Read more »

The EU Takes a Stand for Seals

  animals.nationalgeographic / CC Seals around the world are throwing up their flippers in celebration—the European Parliament voted today to end the sale of seal products across the European Union (EU)! This vote adds to the pressure on Canada to end the seal slaughter. It shows that the EU Parliament recognizes the inhumanity of the … Read more »

Hidden Cameras Expose Canada’s Shame

In PETA’s new ad, Joel Gibb of Canadian indie band The Hidden Cameras announced that “Canada’s Club Scene Sucks.” and he’s not talking about JELL-O shots.     Today, Joel and the band teamed up with PETA for a public unveiling of the ad in front of Queen’s Park in Toronto. The Hidden Cameras performed … Read more »

Montreal Canadiens’ Bruiser Bashes Furriers

The Montreal Canadiens’ star enforcer, Georges Laraque, is brawny and brainy. He’s vegetarian and steers clear of pigs, chickens, and other commonly consumed animals, a decision he made after seeing the animal-friendly feature film Earthlings. Not only that, but he teamed up with dozens of members of Concordia Animal Rights Association (CARA) this weekend to … Read more »

We (Heart) the ‘Most Beautiful’ Christina Applegate

  babble / CC There are a lot of sexy individuals on People‘s Most Beautiful list (OK, to be precise, there are 100), but People‘s done us proud with it’s number one: Christina Applegate. We can tell you firsthand that Christina truly is beautiful inside and out. When she was 15, she learned about the … Read more »

PETA Marches On, Rain or Shine

Sometimes, Mother Nature isn’t entirely on our side when it comes to outdoor demonstrations. Luckily for us, caring citizens don’t let a little rain stop them from getting the word out about animal abuse. Just check out all these pictures that were sent to us this week:   Rain check? Not for these seal lovers! … Read more »

Happy Birthday, Prime Minister Harper!

Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday to you!Quit slaughtering the seals! Happy birthday to you! Or at least that’s what I like to think these caring people were singing when they stopped by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s home to deliver a few birthday balloons for his big 5-0.   This young veg’un (isn’t he adorable?) is … Read more »

‘Tony Blair’ Speaks Out Against Queen’s Guards’ Bearskins Caps

  movies.about / CC Award-winning actor Michael Sheen, who so convincingly played Tony Blair in The Queen, is the latest compassionate celebrity to join PETA Europe’s Unbearable Cruelty campaign. While the real Tony Blair is still keeping mum on the issue of skinning bears, Michael recently sent a letter to Prime Minister Gordon Brown (the … Read more »

People for the Ethical Treatment of…Dancers?

Dancing With the Stars—not only a staple of my DVR schedule but also a place to find some serious PETA reppin’. Judge Carrie Ann Inaba and celeb dancers Holly Madison and Steve-O have all starred in some intensely sexy ads for PETA, and even though our faves have already been kicked off, the cast has … Read more »

Take the E-Card Challenge

Victoria Day—which is basically the Canadian equivalent of Memorial (aka “Woohoo, Summer’s Almost Here!”) Day—isn’t until May 18, but I’m thinking about our northern neighbors today. I’ve sent PETA’s e-card by Canadian editorial cartoonist Graeme MacKay to 16 people so far, in order to urge them to take action to end the seal slaughter in … Read more »

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