A Downed and Abandoned Cow

For two days, the exhausted dairy cow had lain in the pasture, dying. Her eyes were missing, probably eaten by birds. A commuter passing by saw her and had been trying desperately to get help, with no luck. Eventually, this kind person, frantic to find help for the tormented animal, contacted PETA’s after hours emergency … Read more »

Live on the National Mall: ‘Fur Is Dead’

PETA’s reenactment of our “Fur Is Dead” public service announcement (PSA) stunned D.C. tourists last week. News crews from WRC-TV, Roll Call, and others caught all the action—giving new meaning to the term “beat reporting.”   “Clubbed” on the head, stripped of her fur, and left for “dead.” Ring any bells? This will probably be … Read more »

Sarah McLachlan Rocks PETA Shirt for Seals

Halifax native Sarah McLachlan, who is in Ottawa today to perform a concert in celebration of Canada Day, has wasted no time in letting her native land know how upset she is about the government’s refusal to stop the annual seal slaughter. In an interview today with Canada’s CTV News—during which she wore PETA’s “Hug … Read more »

Oh, Canada, It’s Your Birthday

Canada is celebrating its birthday today, and people around the globe just don’t think it’s fair. The country that kills hundreds of thousands of seals each year, most of whom haven’t even seen their first birthday, gets to throw a big shindig? No way, hoser. To let Canada know that the rest of the world … Read more »

Seals Vacation at Martha’s Vineyard Too

With the annual Canadian seal slaughter just over (although our battle has really just begun), I was ready for a little R&R when I left PETA headquarters in Norfolk for my vacation in Martha’s Vineyard last week. I have a friend who owns a house at the popular getaway, and as we set up chairs … Read more »

Tigers and Chickens and Seals–Oh My!

It’s been a busy, busy week here at PETA. With so many different campaigns in full swing, we’ve had people out on the streets protesting the circus, and McDonald’s, and the seal slaughter, and … phew. Why don’t you just check out the pictures?   Me-yow! At a recent “Unhappy Meal” giveaway, the staff of … Read more »

Ingrid Newkirk’s Fur Jacket

No, no, not that kind of jacket. We’re talking about the jacket of PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk‘s new book, The PETA Practical Guide to Animal Rights: A few select copies of the book were outfitted with covers made from real fur—pieces of the more than 20,000 fur coats that have been donated to PETA … Read more »

Staying Upwind of Stephen Harper

businessreport / CC In an effort to clean up its act before the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver, the city of Victoria is building four new waste-treatment plants to handle the tens of millions of gallons of raw sewage that are currently being pumped into Puget Sound every day. Processing sewage isn’t the only … Read more »

Ingrid Says That It’s ‘Incredibly Easy to Be Kind’ on The Huffington Post

Sometimes it seems like PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk doesn’t sleep a wink. While on tour promoting her new book, she took time out to appear on CNN and denounce Puerto Rico’s plans to erect a breeding facility for monkeys. Sometime during all that, she managed to pen an article about how easy it is … Read more »

Hockey Star Wants to Get the Blood Off the Ice

sportsillustrated.cnn / CC Georges Laraque (or “Big George” to friends and fans) is known for duking it out on the ice as the star enforcer for the Montréal Canadiens, but these days he’s fighting for animal rights. Georges already protested a fur expo in Montréal, and now he’s just delivered a slap shot to Canadian … Read more »

Canada’s Seal Slaughter Season Comes to an End

  smh.com.au / CC With baby seal corpses littering Canadian ice floes, this year’s seal slaughter has finally ended—but the outrage over the Canadian government’s refusal to stop the killing is just getting revved up. Outcry against the seal slaughter is echoing around the globe. The European Union and the U.S. have banned seal products, … Read more »

Does High School Dissection Breed Cat Killers?

huffingtonpost / CC The mutilation and slaughter of 19 cats in the South Miami-Dade area of Florida has made national news recently. Now that 18-year-old Tyler Weinman has been arrested and charged in connection with the killings, an article published today points out that the accused cat killer participated in classroom dissections last year. Fearing … Read more »

Ingrid to Puerto Rico: Stop the Monkey Business

Did you catch PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk on CNN Headline News last night? She was on Issues With Jane Velez-Mitchell to speak out against plans to build a monkey-breeding facility in Puerto Rico.   Embedded video from CNN Video   Reports that this breeding farm would be stocked with monkeys snatched from their native … Read more »

Heidi Fleiss: From the Bedroom to the Boardroom

usatoday / CC Former “Hollywood Madam” Heidi Fleiss knows what it’s like to be behind bars—and ever since she inherited dozens of exotic birds from an acquaintance who passed away, she’s learned firsthand that humans aren’t the only ones whose needs aren’t met in captivity. Heidi was fortunate enough to be able to turn part … Read more »

File Under ‘Can’t We All Just Get Along?’

Earlier this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ignited controversy when he made a speech in which he ostensibly endorsed Palestinian statehood. Unfortunately, the speech didn’t go over so well with the Palestinians, who decried it as an empty offer because of the strings he attached to his endorsement. While Palestinians and Israelis can’t seem … Read more »

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