‘Win It’ Wednesday: To-Fu Kubricks

Thanks for all of your wonderful comments on this Win It Wednesday. The winner of the To-Fu Kubricks is g.murphy. Congratulations! I’ve always proudly displayed my vast snow globe collection, never mind that my husband calls it “junk.” But ever since I discovered To-Fu Kubricks by Devil Robots, my snow globe collection is starting to … Read more »

Animal Testing in the U.K. Is on the Rise

carolinelucasmep / CC We just received word from our friends at PETA Europe that the U.K.’s Home Office—it’s like our Homeland Security, Drug Enforcement Agency, and U.S. Department of Agriculture all rolled into one—has published its 2008 statistics on animal experiments. Sadly, the information in the report is less than encouraging. More than 3.5 million … Read more »

Iowa Voters Say ‘No Whey’ to Butter Michael Jackson

commons.wikimedia / CC The title of an LA Times blog says it all: “You Win, PETA. Iowa State Fair Won’t Have Michael Jackson Butter Sculpture.” You may remember that we recently wrote to the Iowa State Fair asking it to refrain from making a Michael Jackson statue out of butter and instead to use Earth … Read more »

Vegetarian Robots Are on Our Side

armybase / CC Robotic Technology Inc. (RTI) is designing a “biomass-eating” robot for the Pentagon, and it’s got some people in a tizzy. Because of some questionable news reports, word has been spreading that the Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot—the, ahem, “EATR”—might go marauding across the landscape, feasting upon the carcasses of animals unfortunate enough to … Read more »

PETA’s Position on Pit Bulls

To clarify PETA’s position on pit bulls: We’re for ’em. By “for ’em,” I mean that we are for pit bull protection, for their happiness, and for treating them like dogs instead of like cheap burglar alarms, punching bags, or gladiators in perverted death matches. Some pit bull fanciers out there seem to think that … Read more »

Unhappy Meals Now at McDonalds, Courtesy of PETA

The adorable peta2 mascot, Not a Nugget, is out to educate people about an issue that is near and dear to his heart: the abuse of chickens killed for McDonald’s Happy Meals. To alert young and old alike to the suffering that goes into every McNugget, Not a Nugget is embarking on a tour of … Read more »

Jerry Stiller on SeaWorld

harrywalker / CC “Would you go to see a brilliant actor who’s been framed for something that he didn’t do, and put him on a stage and say he’s going to do Hamlet for you, and why don’t you enjoy it? That’s a hell of an analogy, but it’s about the same thing.” That’s what … Read more »

Lisa Marie Presley to Animal Exhibitor: ‘Don’t Be Cruel’

celebritysmackblog / CC Elvis swiveled his hips to that hit single decades ago, and today his daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, is singing a similar tune in behalf of a baby chimpanzee who is named after her. An anonymous whistleblower at an Illinois Park District contacted PETA after witnessing the owners of Ed and Annette’s Monkeys … Read more »

Animal Testing Breaks Hearts

Here’s your first look at PETA’s newest campaign: “Animal Testing Breaks Hearts.” We first launched “Animal Testing Breaks Hearts” as a youth-oriented peta2 campaign, but the reaction from everyone, regardless of age, was “Awww!” So below are pictures of our first “Big PETA” “Animal Testing Breaks Hearts” campaign event. We promise more to come. So … Read more »

Lifesaving Message on Playground Equipment

To the thieves who helped themselves to a “clubhouse climber” that was in the yard of a small day-care center in Syracuse, New York, we’d like to say, “Thanks!” Sure, it was deplorable for them to steal from a day-care center—but because they did, PETA now has an opportunity to save the lives of countless … Read more »

Exclusive: Ethan Zohn Fights C Word With V Word

thehollywoodgossip / cc There’s no doubt that Survivor alumni Ethan Zohn and Jenna Morasca know how to make the best of a tough situation. Not even the diagnosis of Ethan’s cancer has been able to keep this couple down! When Ethan was diagnosed with CD20-positive Hodgkin’s lymphoma earlier this year, he let the world know … Read more »

Something Fishy Going On in Seattle

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) held its annual convention in Seattle this weekend and—despite public outcry—allowed attendees to participate in a dead-fish toss.   I don’t know about y’all, but when I’m looking for an “outrageously fun” time, I go dancing. I don’t throw around corpses. So to remind the AVMA that sea kittens … Read more »

Feathers Fly Over Veal at G8 Summit

The G8 Summit has been all over the news this weekend. And one of the top stories to emerge from this gathering of great minds? Sarah Brown, wife of British prime minister Gordon Brown, shunned veal—not once but twice! She even tweeted about it: / CC   This isn’t the first time Mrs. … Read more »

Running of the Bulls Loses Steam

banbloodsports / CC At a time when protests of the gruesome Running of the Bulls are making a bigger splash than ever, the sagging global economy is apparently taking a toll on the annual festival as well. It turns out that bombed bull abusers are scaling back their bar tabs. This means fewer euros for … Read more »

Proposed AVMA-Approved Mutilations

warkscol.wordpress / CC The American Veterinary Medical Association’s (AVMA) annual conference starts July 10 in Seattle. On the agenda is a pitch for the AVMA to change its current opposition to ear-cropping and tail-docking and give a thumbs-up to the painful procedures. Say what?! Our friends at alerted us to a recent issue of … Read more »

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