Every Bunny Loves Raymond

Should Raymond say, “Out with the fur, in with the faux?”(opinion) It seems like Raymond, New Hampshire—a town located about an hour north of Boston—is having a wicked bad identity crisis. In the market for a serious municipality makeover, the fine folks of Raymond have launched a contest in which they’re asking people from all … Read more »

Yes, It’s Cold in Germany …

… But PETA Germany’s spunky supporters—including Jana from Germany’s Big Brother—were still willing to brave the fall chill in Düsseldorf to call attention to Canada’s seal slaughter.   Forget the fur—boots and scarves prevent frostbite just fine.   These gals and other caring people distributed postcards (which were addressed to the Canadian Embassy in Berlin) … Read more »

The (Fur) Fighting Irish

There’s no need to wait until March 17—now’s the time to dig out your funny green hat and celebrate. That’s because Ireland has just become the latest European country to ban fur farms! The ban will take effect in three years and will save thousands of animals from the horrors of fur factory farms.   … Read more »

‘Project Run(A)way’ (From Animal Suffering)

I know we’ve got Project Runway fans out there, especially after the show’s guru of good taste, Tim Gunn, appeared in PETA’s anti-fur video.   Other Viewing Options   If, like me, you watch the show obsessively caught last night’s episode, you probably did cartwheels in the living room when one “Divorcee Dress Challenge” client, … Read more »

Victory! Women’s Fashion Retailer Goes Fur-Free

mailinglists / CC If you’ve stopped by your local drug store lately, I bet you’ve noticed all the Christmas cards and candy starting to make their way onto the shelves. It’s only October, but apparently, Christmas is just around the corner. Personally, I think we should get past Halloween and Thanksgiving before pulling out the … Read more »

Tattoo Artist Unveils ‘Ink, Not Mink’ Ad

Mario Barth is a trendsetter in the tattoo world—he owns and runs the internationally renowned Starlight Tattoo, hosts the annual Biggest Tattoo Show on Earth, and has a loyal celebrity clientèle. Mario might look tough, but he has a soft spot for animals. That’s why he’s taking a stand for those exploited by the fur … Read more »

Pink’s Shout-Out to Michelle Obama

               Pink © FilmMagic                                           Michelle Obama © womenshistory / CC   I really hope that Michelle Obama was able to take in Pink’s sold-out show at the D.C.-area Patriot Center last night. Before launching into “Dear Mr. President,” Pink showed some love for the current missus: “Let’s get political for a second. Since we’re near … Read more »

A Flurry of (Faux?) Furries

blogs.tampabay / CC   If real fur really is frowned upon at furry conventions—as we were recently told by the chair and CEO of Anthrocon, the world’s largest furry convention—San Jose’s Further Confusion (a.k.a. FurCon) is set to have an awful lot of frowny-faced foxes, bears, chipmunks, skunks, and other cute critters roaming around in … Read more »

Brigitte Bardot Speaks Up for Seals

The following is a guest post from actor and animal rights advocate Brigitte Bardot. A dedicated activist, whose foundation to help animals has tackled issues such as fur, horse slaughter, and companion animal overpopulation, Brigitte was the first celebrity to stand up for Canadian seals. Here, once again, she speaks out against the sinister seal … Read more »

Kim Basinger Tells Designer to ‘Fur’-get Fur

Academy Award–winning actor and animal advocate extraordinaire Kim Basinger has stepped up, yet again, to speak up for animals who are skinned alive for their fur. Kim’s classic anti-fur ad was one of the first in PETA’s “Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” campaign, and the issue remains vitally important to her. Today she sent … Read more »

Internet Soup!

It’s a hazy day here on the Right Coast. As I watch leaves fall and steam rise from my soy mocha, the mood is set for a lazy (yet highly skilled) meander through gossip rags for fun stuff. Here are my faves: Warning! Seals can literally cute you to death. Kiddies catch E. coli from … Read more »

Seals Show Up in the Darndest Places

Sometimes seals are on Sarah McLachlan’s shirt. Sometimes they drive tractors. Sometimes they’re in Washington, D.C. And, as it turns out, sometimes they block the entrance to the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City to protest Canada’s seal slaughter while the country’s prime minister, Stephen Harper, is inside at a meeting … and then … Read more »

Three Arrested in D.C. Seal Slaughter Protest

This morning, when Prime Minister Stephen Harper met with President Obama at the Canadian Embassy in D.C., he got a welcome that I’m sure he won’t forget any time soon. Three “seals” covered with red paint writhed on the ground to illustrate what happens to hundreds of thousands of harp seals in Canada. Fifteen other … Read more »

Ditto, Mr. President

hawaiimagazine / CC     By now, you probably know what President Obama thinks about Kanye’s VMA stunt. We want the president to rest assured that PETA, for one, can sympathize with his sentiments. After all, this isn’t the first time that Kanye has been insensitive to the feelings of others. Written by Karin Bennett

Chris Noth Is Not Mr. Big

whosdatedwho / CC   Don’t worry, he’s still John James Preston, but Big? Not so much. A vegetarian cleanse helped Chris Noth slim down so that he could reprise his role as the charming commitmentphobe in Sex and the City 2. When asked how he got that body into shape, he said, “It was a … Read more »

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