PETA’s State of the Union Undress to Premiere

It’s official: President Obama’s State of Union address will air on January 27. Of course, this announcement has John and Jane Does everywhere wondering—but not about possible GOP outbursts or changes to the rules of the game. Here’s the hot topic on caring viewers’ minds: When will PETA’s annual State of the Union Undress be … Read more »

Kesha Tweets Against Fur / CC   Some of my best friends r bitches… Its ALWAYS fake fur. I don’t do the real shiz. My rekords called ANIMAL!I dont do fur!duhh—Tweet from Ke$ha I wake up every morning feeling like Ke$ha (clearly, the radio station my alarm is set to has flawless taste). And now that she’s blasted … Read more »

PETA to Usher: Don’t Replace Stolen Furs!

radiofacts / CC   This is my confession, Usher. When I read that you’d fallen victim to a robbery over the holiday season, I felt bad for you. Someone ripped off your unreleased music and you lost more than $1 million in jewelry! Tough blow. But I hope you realize that you weren’t the only … Read more »

Donkey Basketball: For the Abuse and Humiliation of the ‘Game’

There are plenty of movies about basketball that will make any true sports fan groan: BASEketball, Space Jam, The Air Up There … but I’d willingly sit through a marathon of those movies before setting foot into a gymnasium that allows “donkey basketball” to take place.   toflyagain / CC   Donkey basketball is cruel … Read more »

Bloody Burberry: Photoshop to the Rescue?

I think we can all agree that in this day and age, there’s no excuse for pore poor Photoshopping, but someone at Bloody Burberry seems to have missed that memo.   hellomagazine / CC   In what must have been a tragic Photoshop accident by the oh-so-tragic Burberry, actor Emma Watson seems to have lost … Read more »

Exclusive Interview With Mario

Mario knows what it’s like to be on top—his new album, D.N.A., has been climbing the charts—but his compassion keeps him grounded. That’s why this Billboard Music Award–winning R&B crooner is baring his “Soul Truth” tattoo (and his chest) in a sexy new “Ink, Not Mink” ad. And in a PETA Files exclusive interview, the … Read more »

Habari Gani? Ujima!

rlv.zcache / CC If you’re left scratching your head after reading this blog’s title, allow me to translate: That friendly greeting is Kiswahili for “What’s the news?” The response, “Ujima,” is today’s Kwanzaa value. Kwanzaa is celebrated for seven days during the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Each day is marked by a do-gooding … Read more »

Whale Trainer Dies During Rehearsal / CC When I hear “Christmas spectacular,” I think snow, lights, and a tree—really, it doesn’t take much to make me happy. For the twisted folks at Loro Parque in Spain, however, it’s apparently not Christmas without some animal exploitation. Wholesome and heartwarming? Yeah, right. There was nothing festive about the death of a … Read more »

PETA’s Annual Round-Up: Tired Trends and Fresh Finds

Between the Trollsen twits and cruel reality show “celetestants”, I’m soooo ready to say, “Bye-bye, ’09. Hello, 2010.” We at PETA are feeling optimistic about the New Year. But before we ring it in, let’s have a look at 2009’s low points and our predictions for 2010’s animal-friendly hot topics and trends. In Out Werewolves … Read more »

Christian Serratos and PETA Battle the Blizzard

Did you hear about the head-turning, headline-capturing, and climate-defying event that hit D.C. this weekend? No, not the record-breaking blizzard—we’re talking about Saturday’s opening of “Naked Ambition: 20 Years of PETA’s Sexy Celebrity Ads” at the Govinda Gallery in Georgetown. While many people in the D.C. area were bundled up inside, Twilight star Christian Serratos, … Read more »

‘I’d Rather Go Naked’ Unveiling: Bethenny Frankel

Yesterday, we asked you to guess which quip-firing, sass-making, cruelty-free-baking, real scorcher was the star of our newest “Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” ad. Today we’re thrilled to unveil Bethenny Frankel’s stunning new ad. Check out these scenes from the queen of the Big Apple’s photo shoot:   Share on Facebook | Viewing OptionsEmbed<embed … Read more »

Fur Is ‘Tutu’ Cruel

We’re going to need another tu to describe how adorable our tutu-cute dancing raccoon and fox were as they pliéd and pirouetted their ways into the hearts of balletgoers in Philadelphia:     Joined by local PETA supporters, our furry friends urged Nutcracker attendees and the many delighted onlookers to shun fur and go faux … Read more »

Guess Who’s in Our Newest Naked Ad …

  You’ll have to wait until the big unveiling tomorrow to find out which celebrity took it all off in our latest “Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” ad, but here’s a clue: She can out-sass, out-bake, and now out-strip any of her real co-stars, and frankly, the only thing we have to say to … Read more »

Fur Is Evil, Just Ask Angelina

zimbio / CC   When Brangelina graced the Up in the Air premiere party with their perennially provocative presence, word has it that Jolie was totally down to Earth. The benevolent U.N.-representing beauty reportedly chatted up actor Vera Farmiga about the evils of fur as she munched on tomatoes. Snacking on veggies. Educating people about … Read more »

Got Rabbit Milk?

parenting-our-kids / CC Think back to 1998, when Titanic spoofs were still topical and The Simpsons was only in its 10th season. Remember the Simpsons episode in which Homer discovers that Springfield’s milk is supplied by a mafia-run underground rat-milking operation? Yeah, it was pretty nasty. Fast-forward to 2009: Pharming, a Netherlands-based biotech firm, seems … Read more »

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