Fur Protester Delivers Big Dose of Inspiration

Back in the 1950s, Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to move to the back of the bus in the segregated South. After learning of Parks’ arrest, an African-American resident in Montgomery declared, “They’ve messed with the wrong one now.” Let’s fast-forward to Virginia Beach, Virginia, 2009: Longtime PETA member and ardent animal defender Sheila … Read more »

Victory! KFC Closes for Cruelty

What do you call it when a KFC is “closed for cruelty”? A goreclosure!     For more than a year, dedicated animal advocates have been holding monthly demonstrations outside a KFC in North Carolina to spread the word about KFC’s tormented chickens—and watching the restaurant’s business dwindle. Now, so many people have washed their … Read more »

Introducing … Breast-Milk Cheese

David Angerer, owner of the New York City restaurant Klee Brasserie (which is just a stone’s throw from the excellent all-vegan restaurant Blossom), is making headlines with his newest offering: “Mommy’s Milk” cheese, made possible by his lactating wife.   erikogan / CC by SA 2.0   (Let the punning commence.) This certainly isn’t the … Read more »

Republican Vegans: Eating Rogue

makelessnoise / CC by 2.0 Who’s putting the party into “Republican Party”? Vegans! Rich Karlgaard—publisher of Forbes magazine—recently explained his mostly vegan diet on The Huffington Post, attributing his healthy and lively existence to his compassionate food choices. Karlgaard is proof that kindness knows no party lines. Whether you’re conservative or liberal, granola-crunching or pizza-munching, … Read more »

Calling All Vegan Speed Racers

jurvetson / CC by 2.0   Ingrid E. Newkirk’s need for speed has just become street legal. That’s right, for all of us environmentally conscious, animal-friendly speedsters, Fisker Automotive’s top-of-the-line 2010 Karma sports car is what we’ve been waiting for. The Karma is the world’s first luxury plug-in hybrid, and the available Eco-Chic option—which includes … Read more »

Get Ready to Start the Iditarod Death Count

Phil Wiffen / CC by 2.0 This year’s Iditarod doesn’t start until tomorrow, and one dog has already died. The death occurred during the Junior Iditarod, a 150-mile race that’s open to teens aged 14–17. A necropsy found that the dog, a 5-year-old male named Lava, died of gastric ulcers, an all-too-common cause of death … Read more »

Scandalous and Cruel: Incest at Berlin Zoo

Many folks can’t help shaking their hips to Kissin’ Cousins, but when it comes to breeding imprisoned polar bears who share the same grandfather, you can be sure that our friends at PETA Germany will only be shaking their protest signs. Here’s the situation: Do you remember Knut? If not, you’re not alone. A few … Read more »

Twelve-Year-Old Is PETA India’s Hero to Animals

  Compassion transcends age. Laura Moll—a 12-year-old vegetarian from New Delhi, India—is a role model to children and adults alike. The aspiring veterinarian volunteers at the Friendicoes Society for the Eradication of Cruelty to Animals, a local animal shelter, and records her efforts to help animals on her moving Web site. Warning: The beautiful and … Read more »

Playboy Models Strip for Animals

Clubbing seals in Canada is cruel, senseless, and shameful. But clubbin’ bunnies—specifically those celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Playboy Clubs all over the world—that’s a reason to celebrate. After all, many Playboy Playmates have shed their bunny ears and tails for PETA’s campaigns. Behold:     All right, mates: Play “Name Your Favorite Ad” in … Read more »

Meet Your Meat-Induced Allergies

1.bp.blogspot / CC As if heart disease, cancer, strokes, and diabetes weren’t enough, we’ve just learned of another shocking health fact that will have you replacing the flesh on your fork. Meat is linked to anaphylactic shock. Researchers from the University of Virginia, the University of Tennessee, and the John James Medical Centre in Australia … Read more »

As the (Sea)World Turns

Another day, another strand unravels from SeaWorld’s carefully crafted damage-control campaign in the wake of the tragic death of a trainer at the Orlando park last week. The scandal du jour is that, back in 2007, after a trainer at the San Diego SeaWorld nearly drowned after being dragged underwater by an orca, the California … Read more »

Surprise Visitor at Olympic Closing Ceremony

When you’re friends with Pamela Anderson, it seems like anything is possible … even snagging tickets to one of the hottest events in Canada. After delivering our petition against the seal slaughter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Dancing With the Stars beauty graciously gave her tickets for Sunday’s Olympic closing ceremony to PETA’s seal … Read more »

PETA Pizza in the City of (Culinary) Angels

I was already stoked about PETA’s Marketing Department‘s upcoming move to Los Angeles, but after watching this exclusive footage of PETA peeps at Cruzer Pizza—the city’s all-vegan pizzeria—I’m ready to get on the next flight and finish the construction of our new office myself. Check out the epic culinary journey of Royale, our Twitterer and … Read more »

Gilbert Arenas Warms Up D.C.’s Homeless

Three-time NBA All-Star Gilbert Arenas is proof that one man can double-team fur industry cruelty. First, he bared it all in his “Ink, Not Mink” ad, and today he hosted PETA’s fur-coat giveaway in Washington, D.C., where donated coats were handed out to the homeless:     Only those who can’t afford to buy coats … Read more »

PETA U.K.’s ‘Dog’ged Fight Against Racism

What do breeders breed—besides dogs with crippling congenital defects?     Canine racism. PETA U.K. recently unveiled its new “Boycott Breeders” ad just in time for the Crufts Dog Show—an event that, like the Westminster Dog Show in the U.S., encourages the false and dangerous belief that some races breeds of dogs are superior to … Read more »

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