What’s in a Hot Dog?

Mike Johnson – TheBusyBrain.com / CC by 2.0 Q: If “Happiness Is a Dead Animal,” then what does that make a malnourished, exhausted, or mistreated animal? A: A hot dog, according to the meat industry, which recently admitted that it uses dark, firm, and dry (DFD) meat—which “can be the result of prolonged stress in … Read more »

‘The Cove’ Goes Undercover

avlxyz / CC by SA 2.0 Picture it: a dark sushi restaurant on a Los Angeles street, secret agents sitting inside, and a lone car waiting outside. Real-life undercover investigation or Hollywood moviemaking gold? Well, considering that the brave brains behind this very real, very covert operation are also the Oscar-winning filmmaking team behind The … Read more »

U.S. Government Admits to Inadequate Slaughterhouse Regulation

One whistleblower’s powerful testimony about the abuse of pigs and calves in slaughterhouses throughout the country may bring about a serious overhaul in the U.S. government’s monitoring of slaughterhouses. Dean Wyatt is a veterinarian and supervisor of the Food Safety and Inspection Services (FSIS), which is a part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). … Read more »

Baby Seals Taste Like Murder

Tuftronic10000 / CC by 2.0 Despite record low ice levels, Canadian officials seem hell bent on choking down baby seal flesh before they’ll willingly choke back their pride and denounce the seal slaughter. According to news reports, tomorrow, in an effort to thumb their noses at the E.U.’s recent seal-product ban, Canada’s parliamentary restaurant will … Read more »

PETA to Meat-Eaters: Stop Smuggling Drugs!

After dealing with the pot smugglers who hid almost a ton of marijuana in a banana delivery near the U.S.-Mexico border last month, David Aguilar—the commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection—could probably use a boost. So we’ve got a proposal that’s sure to make him smile: Help get rid of another addiction epidemic by … Read more »

Swiss Spotlight Animal Rights

punxutawneyphil / CC by 2.0 The Alps. Chocolate. Here’s another reason to love la Suisse: Swiss laws already make it illegal to keep fish or any other naturally social animals isolated from others of their own species (no more lonely fish in bowls); require farmers to let horses and cattle out for exercise in winter; … Read more »

European Union vs. Battery Cages

Thanks to the quick action taken by more than 5,000 PETA U.K. supporters, the European Union (E.U.) has just rejected Poland’s proposal to delay a historic ban on battery cages for hens! In 1999, the E.U. passed the Laying Hens Directive—legislation that requires an end to the use of battery cages by 2012. Polish officials … Read more »

Exclusive Interview With Jaime Ray Newman

Whether she’s in the wacky world of Syfy’s Eureka or the witchy universe of Eastwick, actor Jaime Ray Newman is always an angel to her rescued pooches. Now, in an exclusive interview, Newman gushes over her adopted dogs, explains how spaying or neutering companion animals can save millions of lives each year, and shares her … Read more »

Violence Outside–and Inside–Burger Barn

marestra / CC by 2.0 We’re relieved that a “chicken” who was shot at by passing motorists outside a Burger Barn in Wichita wasn’t seriously injured. We wish we could say the same for the cows whom the “chicken” was encouraging people to eat. (The “chicken” was actually a man named Robert Hatter, who was … Read more »

Pigeon IQs Soar

Nine-spined stickleback, genius of the sea, allow me to introduce the rocket scientist of the air: the pigeon.   Zero One / CC by SA 2.0   Scientists have discovered that pigeons are better than humans at solving statistical problems such as the Monty Hall Problem (named after the original host of the game show … Read more »

SeaWorld, It’s ‘Plane’ and Simple: ‘Free Tilly!’

PETA’s forecast for SeaWorld San Antonio—cloudy with a chance of freedom:     On Saturday, PETA’s “Let Orcas Out of Prison” banner flew across the sky while dedicated PETA supporters on the ground spread the word that trainers and animals will continue to get hurt or die until SeaWorld frees the animals to sanctuaries.   … Read more »

Hayden Panettiere: SeaWorld Is ‘Disgusting’

watchwithkristin / CC by SA 2.0   “How do you put an interactive, social animal, one of the smartest animals in the world … and you’re going to stick them in a tub and make them do tricks? How do you do that? Because they make money? It’s disgusting and SeaWorld is absolutely wrong. This … Read more »

And the Oscar Goes to … ‘The Cove’!

OK, so we didn’t get to see a song-and-dance number featuring Steve Martin and vegetarian Alec Baldwin—who also narrated PETA’s now-classic documentary Meet Your Meat—but we’re still pretty happy about how the highly buzzed Food Inc./Cove face-off turned out. The Oscar for Best Documentary went to frontrunner The Cove—the universally acclaimed examination of Japan’s bloody … Read more »

Vegan Relief for Haiti

unitednationsdevelopmentprogramme / CC by 2.0   For almost two months, rescue workers from around the world have been hard at work trying to clean up the devastation in the wake of Haiti’s tragic earthquake. Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti, with support from PETA, continues to address the needs of displaced animals in Haiti, while Maryland-based … Read more »

Jean-Michel Cousteau: Free the Orcas

SeaWorld may have animal pimp “entertainer” Jack Hanna in its corner, but Tilly has Jean-Michel Cousteau on his side. The world-renowned French explorer, environmentalist, film producer and, of course, son of Jacques-Yves Cousteau has issued a brief video statement addressing the cruelty and danger of keeping killer whales and dolphins imprisoned in marine amusement parks. … Read more »

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