Polar Bear Payback: Slaughtering the Seal Slaughterers

Revenge for seals is just a click away. In Adult Swim’s addictive new game, Polar Bear Payback, you control a bloodthirsty polar bear as he battles through hordes of seal slaughterers (level 1 of the game) and whalers (level 2), all while saving animals and the environment. And bloodthirsty is right. To keep your health … Read more »

Rabbits Rescued From Rib Restaurant

PETA recently received a call about more than 20 rabbits who were crowded into a junk-filled outdoor enclosure at the back entrance of a barbecue joint in Oregon. The restaurant’s excuse for the cruel captivity? For the kids to play with, they said. But there was nothing kid- or rabbit-friendly about the squalid setup or … Read more »

Shanghai’s First-Ever PETA Asia Photo Shoot

China’s fur farms—which supply more than half of the finished fur garments imported for sale in the U.S.—are among the world’s most barbaric. So writer Andy Best and local Shanghai artist Kaine Lv have turned up the volume on the Chinese fight against skins. The two DIYers recently teamed up with music promoter Split Works … Read more »

What Does Breast-Milk Cheese Taste Like?

Keeping on top of the media sensation that is Daniel Angerer’s “Mommy’s Milk Cheese” is like trying to chase an out-of-control toddler. The compassionate concoction has some skeptics who claim that the only thing that goes with this food is whine, but the fromomage has also attracted some intrigued fans. Famed foodie and critic Gael … Read more »

Take Bob Harper’s 24-Hour Vegan Challenge

As one of America’s toughest trainers, The Biggest Loser‘s Bob Harper is hardcore. He’s taken 100 pounds off a man in a mere seven weeks (remember Rudy?), breaks contestants down and builds them back up during Last Chance Workouts, and gives us the skinny with his Trainer Tips on NBC. Now he’s focused on challenging … Read more »

Ryan Gosling to McCruelty: ‘What’s Your Excuse?’

Ryan Gosling is the heartthrob with a heart of gold—and now he’s got a message for the Golden Arches: Stop scalding chickens to death in defeathering tanks. The Oscar-nominated actor just fired off a letter on PETA’s behalf to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner asking him to adopt a less cruel slaughter method. Controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK), … Read more »

Landmark U.K. Law Would Ensure Equality for Vegans / CC BY 2.0 While vegans are busy fighting for animal equality, members of the U.K. Parliament have been pushing for vegan equality. Under a proposed landmark law that has been passed by the House of Commons and is currently under consideration in the House of Lords, U.K. vegans would officially be granted the … Read more »

Can Tilly Be Released? / CC BY 2.0     Remember Keiko? As you may recall, Keiko was a wild orca who was captured in Iceland in 1979 and sold to a series of aquariums, where he was forced to perform tricks for food. He became sick and severely depressed. In 1993, after the movie Free Willy … Read more »

Poker Pros’ Vegetarian Gamble / CC BY 2.0 I love to play blackjack, but when it comes to poker, I can’t remember if a flush beats a full house or vice versa, so I usually breeze right by those tables. But you can bet I’ll be watching to see how a high-stakes vegetarian prop wager made between poker … Read more »

Bob Barker, ‘Come On Down!’ to PETA’s Los Angeles Office

PETA’s longtime friend and supporter, Bob Barker, along with some “Barker PETA Beauties,” joined our own Ingrid E. Newkirk today to cut the ribbon on the start of renovations to our new Los Angeles office, aptly named—what else?—the Bob Barker Building.   Click here for more pictures.   Bob Barker donated $2.5 million to help … Read more »

Karl Lagerfeld’s ‘Triumph of Fake Fur’

“It’s the triumph of fake fur … because fake fur changed so much and became so great now that you can hardly see a difference.”—Karl Lagerfeld on his show at Paris Fashion Week In a recent interview with the Telegraph, notorious fur pimp Karl Lagerfeld, the head designer and creative director for Chanel, spills about … Read more »

Australia’s Meat Workers Want to Save Some Sheep

botheredbybees / CC by 2.0   Yes, you’ve read that correctly, and no, the headline wasn’t ripped from The Onion. In a joint press conference this morning, the Australian Meat Industry Employees Union and the World Society for the Protection of Animals agreed that the live export of sheep who were once abused for their … Read more »

Woman Nearly Scalped by Leopard

Less than a month after Tilly, an orca at SeaWorld in Orlando, attacked and killed his trainer, yet another story has emerged about captive animals who lash out against their imprisonment. In an upcoming episode of Fatal Attractions, a new Animal Planet miniseries about fatal attacks by exotic “pets,” a woman named Julie Burros talks … Read more »

Colorado Springs to Trash the Meat?

Spring cleaning is about to take on a whole new meaning in Colorado Springs, where officials facing a lack of funds have removed trash cans from public parks. To help the mayor stop the economic slump from turning Colorado Springs’ parks into dumps, PETA is offering to bring back the wastebaskets, with one caveat—they need … Read more »

Woman Gives Fingers to Caged Bear

The cost of keeping wild animals in captivity is always more than the price of admission to a zoo or amusement park. Just ask the woman who lost two of her fingers after trying to feed a caged black bear at a Wisconsin zoo last week. The 47-year-old woman—who was with her 3-year-old granddaughter and … Read more »

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