Furry Devil: Not a Pretty Picture

Because Anna Wintour hasn’t yet realized that fur is out of vogue and therefore should be out of Vogue—and hideous images of animals suffering on fur farms do not move her—PETA will get the infamous pelt-pusher’s attention with a hideous image of … herself. As Wintour was giving a talk about nuclear physics—wait, sorry, fashion—at … Read more »

Help Shut Down the Chinese Fur Trade

The following is a guest post from PETA Prime’s Steve Martindale. Cats, dogs, raccoon dogs, rabbits, and other animals are skinned alive in China for their fur. This fur is exported to consumers in the U.S. and abroad and often dyed to look like the fur of other animals. It’s sometimes even deliberately mislabeled as … Read more »

Canada’s Seal Slaughter: The End Is Nigh?

Oh, sweet irony: Just weeks after Canadian Fisheries Minister Gail Shea gave the green light for sealers to kill an additional 50,000 seals, officials have announced that they will likely have to call off this year’s massacre early because of a lack of buyers for seal fur! All that hard work by friends of seals … Read more »

Be a Sweetie: Tweet for Seals!

Tweeps, we need your help! USA Today has announced that it will donate a full-page ad (a $189,400 value) to the nonprofit organization that garners the most tweets on Twitter. If PETA wins, we will use the ad to call for an end to Canada’s annual seal slaughter, which is happening right now and may … Read more »

Kelly Osbourne to Cover Justin Bieber?

© Star Max Inc.   “Canada, if you cancel the seal hunt, I will dress up like Justin Bieber and sing one of his songs on YouTube.” —Kelly Osbourne on what she’s willing to do to stop the seal slaughter. Go, Kelly, go! Kelly Osbourne really, really wants to convince the Canadian government to end … Read more »

California: The Golden State for Animals

The latest animal-friendly news from California makes me want to shout the state’s motto and make the big move ASAP. First, the California Assembly overwhelmingly passed a law that would require that all fur products be labeled with the type of animal (or faux fabric) and the country of origin. This would close a loophole … Read more »

Exclusive Interview With Lea Michele From ‘Glee’

Oh, Lea, how “my life would suck without you.” Luckily for me and the other self-declared Gleeks out there, Glee is returning to Fox on April 13, which means that Lea Michele and her co-stars are in demand everywhere—from Oprah to the Oval Office. Now the vegetarian singer, actor, and friend to animals has teamed … Read more »

‘Easter Bunnies’ Drown in Rhode Island Mall

Photohound / CC by 3.0 Last Thursday, four rabbits in a Warwick Mall photo studio reportedly drowned in the floods that have been ravaging Rhode Island. Although the mall had been evacuated two days earlier, the bunnies—whom Portrait Simple studios was using as props for in-store Easter photos—were left behind in their cage on a … Read more »

Pamela’s Requests to Canadian Officials

© Star Max Inc. Our favorite Canadian and Dancing With the Stars contestant Pamela Anderson never stops (fox)trotting forward with her efforts to help animals. Pamela is taking advantage of Canada’s Access to Information Act, which lets Canadian citizens demand copies of government records. She’s just e-mailed requests to government agencies Fisheries and Oceans Canada, … Read more »

North America: Home to World’s Deadliest Racetracks

In the latest installment of “Yeah, What PETA Said,” the Jockey Club has released the findings of a study that concluded that horses used for racing are dying on U.S. and Canadian tracks at twice the rate—at least—of any other country, probably for the very reasons that PETA has stated (over and over again): drugs … Read more »

Chelsea Handler Battles ‘Housewife’ on Fur

Last night, late-night queen Chelsea Handler’s monologue focused on housewives, chinchillas, and PETA. As a diehard Chelsea fan (Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea is on my nightstand as we speak), I was thrilled when the quick-witted comic stuck up for animals on E!     It all started when Kelly Bensimon from Real … Read more »

‘Foxes’ on the Loose in Finland

  The temperature may have been well below freezing, but PETA’s foxes heated up the bustling streets of Helsinki, the capital of Finland—which has a record of killing more foxes for their fur than almost any other nation. Thanks to Riina Laine’s masterful body painting, these ladies were the objects of nonstop attention—and they spread … Read more »

The Seal Slaughter Sham?

http://www.flickr.com/photos/richardchild/CC BY 2.0 It seems that Gail Shea (the same fool member of parliament who tried pulling this number) has hatched another ploy to try to make the waning interest in the Canadian seal slaughter look stronger than it is. Earlier this week, Shea announced that the number of helpless victims seal slaughters are allowed … Read more »

PETA Solicits for Sex.com

Tantalizing, scintillating, provocative—visitors to sex.com are certainly searching for something to fit that description. And if PETA gets its way, we’ll be the ones to satisfy their desires.     DOM Partners is hoping to take home a hefty sum by auctioning off the domain name “sex.com” on Thursday, but instead of selling the domain … Read more »

Where’s PETA’s Seal?

Watch out, Waldo—you’ve got some cute and cuddly competition when it comes to getting lost in a crowd. My new favorite game: Where’s PETA’s seal?   © Bob Timmons/www.bobtimmons.org   Yesterday, the Canadian government announced that it is increasing the quota for this year’s seal slaughter and projecting a death toll of 388,200 (that’s 50,000 … Read more »

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