This Seal Wears Many Hats

It’s been a whirlwind week for PETA’s seal. To keep pressure on Canada to stop letting people shoot baby seals and bash their heads in, PETA’s sombrero-sporting seal followed Mexican President Felipe Calderón around to all his stops during his visit to Canada on Thursday.     President Calderón’s visit received tons of media attention, … Read more »

Designer of the Year Is Leather-Free

Congratulations to white-hot menswear designer John Bartlett, who just received the American Image Award for Designer of the Year from the American Apparel & Footwear Association. This trendsetting designer is as notable for his compassion as he is for his clothing—he recently announced that he has gone vegan and that the collection that he showed … Read more »

Canadians: Seals Need You–Canada Is Their Home Too

Many Canadians are against their country’s annual seal slaughter—the biggest massacre of marine mammals in the world—but the Canadian government has yet to put a stop to it. Not only is the government supporting the barbaric acts of bludgeoning and shooting baby seals, it is also spending taxpayer dollars to do so. Canadians, it’s your … Read more »

Music Icon Sings for Seals

What was the grooviest thing about having hippie parents? Growing up listening to Donovan. Seriously, my mother almost named me “Jennifer Juniper.” Instead she went for something more mainstream—Skylark. And I’m sure he hears it all the time, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’m Donovan’s biggest fan. Star-struck? Yes, consider me struck. … Read more »

‘People’s Court’ Rules: ‘Don’t Wear Fur’

The verdict inside the courtroom on Friday’s People’s Court was against a consignment shop that donated a fur-wearer’s musty minks after they didn’t sell, but outside, the show’s host and legal analyst, Harvey Levin, announced his own judgment about wearing fur: “It’s just cruel. … The skin ought to stay on the animals.”     … Read more »

Model Gets Inked for Animals

Check out sexy Austrian tattoo-model Sandy P. Peng’s awesome new tat.     That baby’s not photoshopped, it’s real. Sandy’s so supportive of PETA Germany’s anti-fur efforts that she sent them the pic of her “Ink, Not Mink” artwork to use as an advertisement, and she’s doing not one but five anti-fur demonstrations with a … Read more »

Another Nail in the Fur Industry’s Coffin / CC BY-SA 2.0 Break out the party hats: Another retailer has gone fur-free! After PETA sent Caché women’s specialty retailer a video showing animals being poisoned, gassed, skinned alive, and killed in other cruel ways, the company’s chief executive officer informed us that Caché would stop selling real fur. Woot, woot! According to … Read more »


And the Best Civil Engineer award goes to … the beaver! Scientists recently stumbled upon the world’s biggest beaver dam. Twice as long as the Hoover Dam, this whopping woodland creation can be seen from space.   View Larger Map   Using their mad landscaping skills, several beaver families have been working on this 2,790-foot … Read more »

Canadian Sealers ‘Hyped Up’ to Extend Slaughter

In yet another one of Canada’s attempts to get the media hyped about its bloody seal slaughter, Fisheries Minister Gail Shea just announced an “extension” of the slaughter through the end of May after sealers bemoaned the lack of opportunities to engage in their bloody business.   © The Humane Society of the United States … Read more »

Say ‘Nein’ to the Seal Slaughter

PETA Germany took the fight for Canadian seals to Berlin on Saturday, bringing Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s motorcade to a halt when a “seal” ran in front of the procession. Three police officers hauled the demonstrator off, but not before reporters—and presumably the P.M. himself—saw the “seal.” “Seals” have been trailing Harper all over … Read more »

Pamela’s Breathtaking Moves

Barely stopping to catch her breath after a sizzling Argentine tango on Dancing With The Stars (DWTS), Pamela Anderson—accompanied by her dance partner, Damian Whitewood—headed to the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles today to hand-deliver her letter to Gary Doer, the Canadian ambassador to the U.S., detailing her concern that the Canadian government is subsidizing … Read more »

Florida Representative Slams Seal Slaughter

There may not be many seals in the Sunshine State, but any who do venture that far south have a friend in U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings. The senior Democratic whip is lobbing a virtual pie in the face of the Canadian government by introducing a resolution this week urging our neighbors to the north to … Read more »

Good Job, Steve Jobs!

Sure, Apple banned our Be Nice to Bunnies app after catching a glimpse of sexy Stephanie Pratt in the buff, but PETA doesn’t hold it against Steve Jobs. In fact, we think that Jobs and the rest of the Apple crew are pretty great after learning that the App Store said “no way” to an … Read more »

Thanks for Tweeting Us Right

In a tweet feat of epic proportions, PETA nabbed the number two spot in USA Today‘s #AmericaWants hash tag contest on Twitter! The great news was announced in an ad that ran in yesterday’s USA Today.   What America Wants   Kudos to all of you who tweeted in support of PETA’s campaign to stop … Read more »

Show Us Your Tats!

Oh, snap! Yesterday, tattoo artist extraordinaire Brian Johnson—a hardcore vegan and PETA supporter—hit our headquarters to take pics of two “pretty in ink” ladies for his upcoming book, Tattoo Fetish Vol. I. The book won’t be out until early next year, but here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the photo shoot featuring Daniella and Shan with … Read more »

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