Spain’s News of the Week: Take Two

As if Wednesday’s historic vote by the Catalan parliament in Spain to ban bullfighting wasn’t enough to make you scream “Olé,” we’ve just heard that oh-so-iconic Spanish design house Adolfo Dominguez S.A. has not only signed on to shun fur, it has also agreed not to purchase or sell exotic skins, clothing made from down … Read more »

Ask Michael Kors a Question

Project Runway‘s eighth season premieres tonight, and coincidentally I just heard about an opportunity to let judge Michael Kors know what we think of his designs—which include real fur. Kors tweeted that he will be answering questions from his fans in a Facebook video on August 4. Let’s take him up on his offer and … Read more »

JYay! JWoww’s Clothing Line Is Skins-Free

Here’s “The Situation”: Sexy Jenni “JWoww” Farley of Jersey Shore fame has launched her new clothing line, Filthy Couture. No word yet on whether or not it’ll include Snookits, but PETA members everywhere united in a resounding fist pump when JWoww’s camp confirmed that Filthy Couture is free of fur and exotic skins. Perhaps this … Read more »

Unbearable Cruelty Coming to an End?

The list of celebrities who have been spotted wearing Stella McCartney’s luxe animal-friendly fashions reads like a Hollywood who’s who: Jada Pinkett Smith. Kate Winslet. Charlize Theron. Could the Queen’s Guards be next? We hope so. After a faux-fur prototype of a Queen’s Guard’s bearskin cap was presented during a meeting earlier this week with … Read more »

Ronald McDonald Goes the Way of the Marlboro Man?

Hot on the heels of news that some doctors are recommending that elementary school–age kids be put on statin drugs (seriously—I wish I were making it up) comes a better prescription for dealing with the side effects of the childhood obesity epidemic. Several of the U.K.’s leading doctors are recommending a junk-food jihad. “If we … Read more »

Do Anglers Have Small Rods?

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: But when I became a man, I put away childish things.”1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child (in 1976), I entered—and “won”—a fishing contest. But when I became a man, I put away the … Read more »

Ke$ha’s Sexy Revelation

  The results for PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian contest just came out, and it seems that we left one sexy gal off the list! In a recent interview with the Phoenix New Times, Ke$ha reveals that her compassion for animals includes a meat-free diet. When asked why she adopted a vegetarian diet, the pop sensation and … Read more »

Fly the Sea Kitten-Friendly Skies!

It’s no secret that the airline industry has been struggling to make ends meet—even the perennially profitable Hawaiian Airlines has hit some market turbulence lately. So PETA has reached out to Hawaiian with a win-win proposition: Make Hawaiian Airlines the official airline of sea kittens.   It’s a silly suggestion, but it could work for … Read more »

‘Win It’ Wednesday: Say ‘Tofu’ Tee

You know that tofu has truly arrived when homemaking bible Better Homes and Gardens features herbed tofu cakes as one of its “prize tested recipes” and Jessica Simpson extols the virtues of tofu on Twitter. So it was only a matter of time before tofu started getting its own T-shirts. First came PETA’s runaway bestsellers … Read more »

Janet Jackson’s New Ad Campaign for Blackglama Fur Is …

No! Say it isn’t so. Doesn’t Janet Jackson know that … Animals suffer miserable lives and agonizing deaths to become fur cuffs and collars? Surely she considered the “fan fallout” from this unwise, uncaring decision, which is supremely … Tacky, cruel, inexcusable—help me out, people, are … You as disappointed by her decision as I … Read more »

Montreal Bans Pam’s New Ad Unveiling

Our honorary director, Pamela “Bombshell” Anderson, dazzled her Québécois admirers as she hit Montréal today to launch her latest global ad campaign for PETA. Order the Poster One small snag: City officials suddenly decided to prohibit the unveiling at its original location, claiming that the ad is sexist. It sounds like they’re confusing “sexist,” with … Read more »

Canada’s Carnage Continues

Resolute / CC by 3.0 Update: Six horses died during this year’s Calgary Stampede. Please take action and ask the Stampede sponsors to disassociate themselves from the event. As if Canada’s annual seal massacre isn’t enough, the Calgary Stampede adds to the country’s annual death toll. This year it’s rodeo business as usual—five horses have … Read more »

World Cup Winners

With people glued to their TVs to watch the final matches of the World Cup, a group of folks from PETA Asia, Fur Free South Africa, and the South African Naturist Federation—as well as fans from all over the world—seized the moment to speak out for animals who are killed for their fur.  From China … Read more »

I’d Rather Be Blonde Than Wear Fur!

The flaxen-haired superheroes of Michael Troy’s high-larious new comic book, Blonde Squad, may not be the brightest bulbs on the tree, but their hearts are definitely in the right place. For instance, the team’s sorta-psychic, Psight, is less offended by a telepathic death threat from the scheming brunette, Dark Swan, than she is by the … Read more »

How Low Can LiLo Go?

  Just when you thought things couldn’t get any fuglier for Lindsay Lohan, the pelt-wearing party girl is now being sued by Church Boutique in Hollywood for allegedly conning the store out of $16,000 worth of items made of fur and exotic skins. Says PETA’s Dan Mathews, “We don’t know if Lindsay stole the clothes … Read more »

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