Animal Companions
Nicole Richie’s Newest Family Member

It’s a boy girl kitty! Nicole Richie’s household recently grew by one when a stray cat showed up on the celebutante’s doorstep. “[S]he was so skinny and I could tell she was starving. I couldn’t resist,” wrote Richie on her blog. After a nice square meal, the kitty, now called Tabitha, was “as happy as … Read more »

Animal Companions
One Step Closer to Warnings on Chicken

Restaurants are already reluctant to post calorie counts; can you imagine how hard it is to get fast-food joints to post a skull and crossbones—or at least a warning sign—letting customers know that their grilled chicken contains a carcinogen? It’s pretty dang hard—but the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) just got one step closer … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dodge’s Disappearing Ape

This has to be a first.     Notice anything different about Dodge’s ad? Not only did the company agree to “never [use] great apes in [its] advertisements again” after PETA alerted the carmaker to the beatings and other abuses that performing chimpanzees are subjected to behind the scenes, it also digitally altered the ad … Read more »

Animal Companions
South Africans Have Big Hang-Ups

We are not alone. No, I’m not talking about the existence of aliens. I’m referring to the existence of other passionate anti-fur advocates such as the South African organization Fur Free. The proof of this group’s passion is in this winning poster from its recent anti-fur poster competition.     It’s a powerful poster that’s … Read more »

Animal Companions
NYT: Fish Are Animals

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but The New York Times wasn’t pussyfooting around when it printed this about fish sea kittens:     We’ve been saying it all along, but there it is in black and white—thanks to The Gray Lady. Now, why don’t you issue your own official statement, in … Read more »

Animal Companions
Factory Farms: Basically Playpens for Animals

Kiley Stinson may or may not have been raised in a sow stall. Kiley Stinson, an intern for an agriculture site, recently blogged about picking up a vegetarian/vegan starter kit from one of PETA’s stands in D.C. Here’s her confounding attempt to defend factory farms: “If animal rights activists are so appalled to the idea … Read more »

Animal Companions
It’s a Fish! It’s a Plane! It’s PETA!

Over the weekend, all the contestants in Milwaukee’s Brew City Salmon Tournament got a little something to take home with them—even if they didn’t manage to hook, suffocate, and kill any sea kittens. PETA took to the skies over Lake Michigan with an airplane banner urging tournament participants to look at angling from a different … Read more »

Animal Companions
New Zealander Gets All Hot and Bothered

PETA raises ruckuses—and pulses—all over the world, but we don’t do it alone. We have lots of helpers, like the person who recently got our “Veggie Love” commercial, which was deemed too hot by American network execs, aired in New Zealand.   Share on Facebook | Viewing OptionsEmbed<embed src=”” _mce_src=”” quality=”high” pluginspage=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”335″ height=”255″ … Read more »

Animal Companions
Want Drugs With That?

  Unless you’re insane, you know that the typical fast-food meal—cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake—is bad for you. Not only does eating fatty meat and dairy products widen our waistlines, it also narrows our arteries. Now, one British researcher has come up with the brilliant (sarcasm alert) suggestion that fast-food joints should offset the effect … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA’s Bullhorn vs. Ringling’s Bullhooks

Mobilized by PETA’s Action Team, more than 200 people descended on the Oracle Arena in Oakland, California, last night to let Ringling Bros. know that its elephant-abusing act isn’t welcome.     The highlight of the evening came when protestors chanted, “There’s no excuse for animal abuse—boycott Ringling circus,” so loudly that they drowned out … Read more »

Animal Companions
Experimenter Cut Out Puppies’ Eyes, Lied About Results

  Gerardo L. Paez, a former postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) School of Veterinary Medicine, spent years using taxpayer money to breed puppies to have a gene that causes progressive retinal atrophy, a degenerative eye disease that culminates in blindness. During one study, 3-week-old beagle puppies were killed after they had their … Read more »

Animal Companions
PetSmart and PETCO Animal Supplier Gets Slapped …

… With a $3,000 suspended fine and two years of probation from the Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA)! It’s the least that Sun Pet deserves, considering that PETA’s undercover investigator took video footage of one of the animal dealer’s employees—who has since been fired—placing hamsters in a bag and bashing it against a table in … Read more »

Animal Companions
Vegans Are Superheroes

  In the new movie Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, which opens tomorrow, former Superman Brandon Routh plays a superhero once again. This time, his character is a “ninth-level vegan,” which means that he has the power of telekinesis. As his character puts it, his power stems from the fact that his brain isn’t “filled … Read more »

Animal Companions
Arizona Immigration Law Inspires PETA

OK, we confess. Our area of expertise is registration papers for dogs. And dogs shouldn’t need documentation to have a place in our homes and communities. That’s the point we’re making by displaying our new billboards in the Copper State in the wake of the controversial anti-immigration measure there—though it could apply anywhere else in … Read more »

Animal Companions
Move Over, Mudflap Girl

We all know the mudflap girl, but there’s a new silhouette in town.   A pothole ad to prevent potbellies   Approximately 150 miles of road in Boulder County, Colorado are crumbling and if the county accepts our ad offer PETA’s vegan vixen is ready to do more than turn truckers’ heads. Sometimes we all … Read more »

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