Sarah McLachlan Tells Canada to Quit Hiding

In an effort to further delay the phase out of the commercial seal slaughter, Canada has asked the World Trade Organization (WTO) to hold a hearing about the ban on seal products by E.U. member countries. As usual, Canada is expected to argue that its annual massacre of baby seals (who are tortured by being hooked … Read more »

‘Martha Stewart’ Goes Vegan

Considering how much Martha Stewart loves animals, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that the domestic diva is dedicating an entire show to vegan living. She’ll be cooking a vegan entrée with Twitter’s vegan co-founder, Biz Stone, and learning about a cruelty-free lifestyle with Kathy Freston, best-selling author of Veganist and Quantum Wellness.   © By showing her fans … Read more »

Seals Enter the ‘InfoWar’

A new viral e-leaflet is urging people to “avenge” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, whom the leaflet describes as “the prime focus of a global manhunt.” We’re sure that Mr. Assange has his share of woes, but hey, at least he isn’t having his head bashed in. Canada’s harp seals are, however, which lead us to launch … Read more »

Protester Banned From Canada

 In  Canada, you can have your pie—you just can’t throw it too. PETA supporter Emily McCoy is saying au revoir to Canada after a certain tofu cream pie left her hand and wound up in the face of Fisheries Minister Gail Shea.  McCoy appeared in an Ontario courtroom yesterday to face charges of assault after she pushed … Read more »

Finnish Fur Farms Not as Humane as Billed

Fox pups cannibalizing each other, animals crammed into cages alongside rotting corpses, and foxes with missing legs and ears—these are just a few of the horrors uncovered during an investigation of 83 Finnish fur farms by Finnish animal rights organization Oikeutta Eläimille (Justice For Animals). Shockingly, most of the farms were certified for humane treatment of … Read more »

Parliament’s Fur Robes Are Royally Ugly

Baroness Lola Young wants the U.K.’s House of Lords to elect faux fur to Parliament. The baroness led a debate in the House of Lords last week to ask Her Majesty’s government what plans it has to support and promote ethical and sustainable clothing. Prior to the debate, PETA U.K. shared with the baroness information about … Read more »

Steel-Jaw Traps Are Alive and Mutilating

If you think cruel steel-jaw traps used to snare animals are a thing of the past, think again. Animal protection group Born Free USA just released the results of its undercover investigation of professional and recreational wildlife trapping in the U.S. The horrific video footage shows how animals trapped for their fur suffer, sometimes for … Read more »

Ballet Says Fur Is Just Tutu Cruel

Maybe vegan Natalie Portman‘s Oscar-winning performance in Black Swan inspired us. PETA supporters took the use of fur in Paris Fashion Week collections into their own toe shoes with a demonstration that was visually stunning. To pointe out how animals killed for their fur are bludgeoned, electrocuted, and skinned alive, a dancer wearing a fur coat was sniffed, … Read more »

Waka Flocka Flame Is Fired Up

Rapper Waka Flocka Flame keeps it cool in the studio, churning out rhymes, but if there’s one thing that gets him hot under the collar, it’s animal abuse. After seeing PETA’s video about fur farms, he knew that he wanted to be the next face (and a lot more) of our “Ink, Not Mink” campaign. … Read more »

Pamela Anderson Says Think About Your Mink

Pamela Anderson finds so many new and creative ways to help animals every day that we’re starting to think she should be called Saint Pam. When she was invited to launch a swanky new club in Los Angeles owned by a Danish entrepreneur, Pam used the opportunity to talk to the Scandinavian media covering the … Read more »

PETA Honors Teddy Hilton

Perez Hilton, a distinguished veteran of PETA’s “Best-Dressed” list, now has a new jewel for his crown—a PETA Proggy Award. His website (named for his canine buddy) covers all things furry, scaly, and feathery, delivered with the same sass and pizzazz that Perez is known for over at “Teddy” talks turkey about amazing … Read more »

PETA Germany Saves 100 Animals

Dozens of animals were rescued from a ramshackle farm in Arnsberg-Hüsten, Germany, after a whistleblower alerted PETA Germany that the animals were being kept in filthy, dilapidated sheds or were enclosed in broken wire fences—exposed to the elements, predators, and the beer-bottle-littered ground. Upon investigation, staffers found 59 chickens, 34 rabbits, 25 ducks, and six … Read more »

Sneak Peek: Waka Flocka Flame Photo Shoot

Atlanta rapper Waka Flocka Flame is the latest celebrity to pose in the buff for our “Ink, Not Mink” ad campaign, and as soon as we can stop ogling the photos long enough to get them posted, we’ll give it 2 you. Meanwhile, here’s a behind-the-scenes picture of the artist hanging out at the photo shoot: … Read more »

The ‘Other’ Canadian Seal Slaughter

Although it’s not as well known as Canada’s massive annual slaughter of baby harp seals, the yearly gray seal massacre in Hay Island, Nova Scotia, is just starting—and it’s just as horrible and unnecessary as the other bloodbath. As Rebecca Aldworth of Humane Society International/Canada aptly describes it, “I have no other way of saying … Read more »

Bunnies Scream for Donna Karan

Donna Karan might not have had legions of fans screaming for her at New York Fashion Week, but she did have legions of bunnies screaming outside her midtown Manhattan office on Saturday as she prepared for a show on Sunday. Demonstrators showed passersby that uncarin’ Karan likes her fur bloody, with a side of cruelty. … Read more »

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