PETA’s Wedding Gift for Jessica & Justin

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake traveled to Italy to tie the knot and snatched up a wedding gift from PETA that was sure to delight the devoted dog guardians: Daisy Dog Studio’s Tea for Two Teapot. And while everyone was busy tweeting about Jessica and Justin’s wedding, they didn’t forget about animals: After years of being … Read more »

Pamela Anderson’s Diplomatic Move for Seals

When Russia banned the import of all harp-seal products from Canada, it wasn’t because lawmakers thought that they would get flowers from Pamela Anderson if they did so. But that’s certainly not a bad perk. © Taylor Hill Pamela found herself in a new role as diplomat this week when she joined PETA Vice President Dan … Read more »

Step Away From the Snakeskin

Wrongdoers, watch out—wearing animals’ skins and fur is a total (and literal) rip-off, but PETA, as always, is on the case! October has been declared Crime Prevention Month by the National Crime Prevention Council, and we’re glad to do our part here at The PETA Files—after all, it’s the least any animal advocate could do … Read more »

University Fails Animals—Again (Update)

Update: After reviewing evidence submitted by PETA, the National Institutes of Health has reprimanded the University of Colorado–Denver (CU) for repeatedly violating federal animal welfare guidelines in its laboratories, criticized it for not reporting the problems, and ordered the university to repay grant money used for noncompliant experiments on animals. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s … Read more »

What Bill’s and Michelle’s Speeches Didn’t Say

Sure, during an election year, the candidates themselves take up residence under a microscope. But here’s something that you might not have known about Democratic National Convention speakers Bill Clinton and Michelle Obama.  You probably knew that Broccoli Bill went vegan, since he’s fond of telling people how much better he looks and feels. And … Read more »

Rabbits Rescued and Ready for Homes

It’s taken a few weeks and no small amount of TLC, but the rabbits who were rescued from a hoarder’s facility, Bunny Magic Wildlife & Rabbit Rescue, Inc., are healthier, stronger, and ready to meet families who will love and care for them forever. © Kencredible When authorities raided the so-called “sanctuary” based on evidence … Read more »

It’s Time for Animal-Friendly Dictionaries

Collins dictionary defines “entrepreneurial” as “the spirit of using “risk and initiative” in business.” PETA defines it as “getting animal-friendly terms added to said dictionary.” Collins English Dictionary is accepting new words to be considered for inclusion, and PETA has submitted five terms that no lexicologist (or friend to animals) should be without: 1. Elefriend A person … Read more »

Victory: PETA Prompts Rabbits’ Rescue!

Update: On August 20, Carole Van Wie, the operator of Bunny Magic Wildlife & Rabbit Rescue, Inc., was charged with 13 counts of cruelty to animals. The charges follow an August 8 raid on the facility—prompted by a PETA complaint—in which law-enforcement officers seized 222 rabbits. Officials reportedly had to don masks to rescue the … Read more »

Victory! Ferret Mill Fined for Cruelty

Following PETA’s undercover investigation into Triple F Farms, a massive ferret-breeding operation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has fined the company nearly $17,000 for violating at least eight regulations under the Animal Welfare Act. A Bad Business The violations were discovered during USDA inspections conducted in response to PETA’s submission of video footage and … Read more »

8 Trainers Reveal Abuse at Marine Park

Eight trainers at Marineland in Niagara Falls, Ontario, have handed in their resignations and are speaking out to the Toronto Star about the cruel and abusive conditions at the marine animal prison, which PETA has been after for years. Because they were made to sign nondisclosure agreements about what goes on behind the scenes at … Read more »

Will ‘Turncoat’ Gaga Be PETA’s Next Target?

Lady Gaga has plenty of fans—especially in the gay community, which she has embraced so fervently. Gay Gaga fans at PETA loved her all the more when she came out against fur, telling Ellen DeGeneres, “I hate fur and I don’t wear fur.” But recent furry Gaga photos show that the Lady may be a … Read more »

Mayte Garcia Gets That ‘Caged Animal’ Feeling

“I just think about these animals that are there for months …. And the way they kill them—it’s just not needed, it’s not a necessity,” said actor Mayte Garcia, speaking out against fur farms on the set of the new ad she shot for PETA. “Doing this shoot and getting into the cage and putting … Read more »

Supermodel on Catwalk Nude to Protest Fur

International model Austin Armacost is used to mouths dropping open when he passes by, but we doubt anyone will be able to pick their jaws up off the floor after they’ve seen the ad Austin shot last week for PETA’s naked anti-fur campaign. The star of The A-List: New York walked a runway completely nude … Read more »

Take That, Olsen Twins!

When the Olsen twins—the “Trollsens,” as PETA calls them—trotted out a fur backpack, there wasn’t a chance that Running Russell Simmons star and animal advocate extraordinaire Simone Reyes was going to let it pass without a comment. She blasted the Trollsens on her blog, saying that they are “unfortunately using their vanity and the pursuit … Read more »

Bill Maher to Liberals: I ‘Hoped for More’

As PETA pal Bill Maher prepares to perform in Alberta and British Columbia, he’s proved that he’s a stand-up guy in a different sense by sending a letter to Bob Rae, leader of Canada’s Liberal Party, urging him to support Sen. Mac Harb’s bill to end the commercial seal slaughter. Photo courtesy of Bill Maher … Read more »

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