Spotted in Milan: Surprise Vegan Catwalk Pops Up in the Middle of Fashion Week

Three models rocked designer vegan items in the middle of the Piazza del Duomo in Milan to show that no animal needs to suffer for fashion.

Yikes! You Can’t Unsee This Terrifying Karl Lagerfeld Grim Reaper (Photos)

A ghastly ‘Karl Lagerfeld’ puts in a nightmarish appearance at Fendi’s Rome fashion show to protest the designer’s love affair with fur.

This Industry Is Crashing, and You’ll Love the Reason Why

Bludgeoned to death. Electrocuted. Skinned alive. Animals are barbarically slaughtered for their skins, and the world has had enough.

Victory! Luxury-Hotel Retailer to Stop Stocking Products Made of Fur

The Sullivan Family of Companies has pledged to stop buying products made of fur for its more than 65 gift shops and apparel stores around the country.

Just Because Winter Is Over Doesn’t Mean Animals Aren’t Still Suffering on Fur Farms

These videos may be some of the hardest to watch.

Canada’s Annual Seal Slaughter Has Begun. Here’s How We Stop It.

The world is ready to see the seal slaughter end. And this is the year that we can make it happen.

© Bruce
Could PETA’s Prank Lead to a Naked Oprah Ad?

“YOU get a naked ad, YOU get a naked ad, EVERYBODY gets a naked ad!” It’s Oprah like you’ve never seen her before.

Oprah: © Body: © Marcinski
Victory! Armani Dumps Fur From All Its Brands

“My company is now taking a major step ahead, reflecting our attention to the critical issues of protecting and caring for the environment and animals.”

Sierra Trading Post Bans Fur Following Talks With PETA

The retail giant is officially going fur-free online and in stores.

Canadian Pamela Anderson Asks New Prime Minister to Help Her Save Seals

Pamela Anderson admires Canada’s Prime Minister for his progressive views on human rights issues and is calling on him to do something progressive for animals.

Photo by Sante D'Orazio
We’ve Got an Indecent Proposal for Prince Harry This Leap Day

With the golden opportunity to make a proposal to Prince Harry on Leap Day, PETA UK couldn’t help but make this controversial offer.

ING’s New Policy Signals That Animal Exploitation Is Bad Business

Banking conglomerate ING nets a PETA prize for recognizing that industries that exploit animals are a bad investment.

Why Are These Models at London Fashion Week Wearing Gas Masks?

Their weird-looking protest drew attention to something many people don’t realize about wearing fur.

PETA to Ivanka Trump: Ditch the Fur

Terrified rabbits are hit, hung up and skinned alive for frivolous accessories like hats made with fur pompoms. Act now! 

Rabbits Hit, Hung Up, and Skinned Alive in the Chinese Fur Trade

PETA Asia found that rabbits are forced to live in urine-encrusted cages before finally being strung up and skinned—sometimes while still alive. Act now!

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