Students Unite to Demand That Starbucks Remove Vegan Milk Surcharge

Coffee and dairy-free cream, please! Hold the surcharge. Kind students take a stand by holding sit-ins for the 9 million cows exploited on U.S . dairy farms

‘Humane’? ‘Stress-Free’? New PETA Billboard Shoots Holes in Turkey Company’s Flimsy Attempts at Humane Washing

Does a farmworker’s simulation of masturbation with a dying female bird sound “humane” to you? PETA’s new billboard invites folks to see the undercover footage and decide for themselves.

PETA’s President Is Back With a ‘Crabtivating’ End-of-Summer Book Talk

Back by popular demand, Ingrid Newkirk is shining the spotlight on crabs in a virtual talk on her bestselling book “Animalkind.” Sign up today and “catch” a vegan seafood gift!

PETA Scientist’s Published Paper Pokes Holes in Flimsy Pharma Defense of Forced Swim Test

In a new scientific paper published in the esteemed journal “Drug Discovery Today,” PETA neuroscientist Dr. Emily Trunnell takes on the cruel forced swim test.

Feds Crack Down on Roadside Zoos After PETA Blows Whistle on Baby Exotic-Cat Abuse

Exotic-cat cubs are torn away from their mothers to be used for photo ops when they’re just hours, days, or weeks old. You can help these animals.

Greta Thunberg Under Fire for Wearing Wool in ‘Vogue’ Cover Article—PETA Says Hang Tight!

Greta Thunberg’s Vogue Scandinavia article in which she’s photographed in wool is a key example of the deliberate deception that is humane washing.

© Amy Lieberman Faliks
Vanderbilt University’s Big Secret: Elite Institution Has an Obsession With Animal Testing

The Vanderbilt University Medical Center is a major hotbed of crude and pointless experimentation on animals. PETA’s pulling back the curtain on Vandy’s dark secret.

Lion-Killing Physical Therapist From Missouri Lured Mopane From Hwange Park Using an Elephant Carcass (Report)

In a murder hauntingly similar to Cecil’s, a Missouri physical therapist reportedly paid to lure Mopane from Hwange Park using an elephant carcass then maim and kill the beloved lion.

PETA Applauds Progress in South Africa as Officials Move to Protect Lions

PETA, World Animal Protection, and other advocacy groups are recognizing the major progress being made for lions, who are used in South Africa’s trophy-hunting industry.

Amid Threat of ‘Code Red for Humanity,’ Pam Anderson Partners With PETA to Donate 10,000 Methane Offset Kits

PETA Honorary Director Pam Anderson is jumping into action again—this time to combat climate change. Join us by going humane against methane!

Left: © Liz Rosa
PHOTOS: See PETA Supporters Make a Bold Splash for Orca Lolita in Miami

PETA protesters are making a splash in Miami to mark the 51 years that have passed since humans abducted the orca Lolita from her ocean home.

The CDC’s Rampant Negligence Continues—Animals Steamed to Death, Starved, and More

Countless animals suffer and die at the CDC—yet the facilities are still accredited. It’s time for that to change.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
It’s National Make-a-Will Month—Get Free Resources From PETA

Need help creating a legacy? PETA has all the resources you need to map out personal and financial goals and ensure that all of your loved ones are cared for. Get started today!

Animal Companions
Sun, Sand, and … Spaying! PETA Latino Returns to Help Cancún’s Companions

PETA Latino visited Cancún last week to support the local city shelter that made good on its promise to perform free spay/neuter procedures for 120 dogs and cats in just two days!

Major Supplier to Taiwan’s 7-Eleven Stores Bans Animal Tests After PETA Push

After talks with PETA, Lian Hwa Foods Corp.—a popular snack food company based in Taiwan—banned animal tests not explicitly required by law.

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