Want to Help Your Friends Go Vegan? It’s in the Bag With PETA’s Picnic Pack

Host the vegan picnic of your dreams with a handy reusable tote filled with savory and sweet snacks. Order yours here!

Shanah Tovah! Here Are 3 Ways You Can Keep Animals in Mind During the High Holy Days

How can we keep our fellow animals in mind during the Jewish New Year? Here are some animal-kind tips for your Rosh Hashanah celebration.

New UW Primate Center Director Was Once Suspended for Violations

Michele Basso is notorious for being one of the few primate experimenters ever to be suspended from using animals as a result of welfare violations. The problems didn’t end there.

PETA to NIH Director: Don’t Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out

Cruel experiments on animals, wasted tax money, lack of vision. This op-ed in the Miami Herald eviscerates Francis Collins’ performance as head of the National Institutes of Health.

BREAKING: Lolita Will No Longer Be Forced to Perform; Miami Seaquarium ‘Whale Stadium’ Closed Permanently

PETA’s calling for this to be the first step toward releasing Lolita into a seaside sanctuary, before this long-suffering orca dies in the same cramped tank she’s been confined to for more than half a century.

Poll Shows 91% of New Yorkers Never Go to Race Tracks—Yet Horses Keep Dying

New York tracks rake in $250 million in state subsidies annually—even though 90% of the state’s residents never go to the races.

PETA’s Tips to ‘Gas Up’ Your Car Decor for Animal Rights

You don’t have to be in the fast lane to be a “Speed Racer” for animals—No bump in the road can slow you down when your car decor is on point!

PETA ‘Dinos’ Kick Off Party in D.C. for Dawn of What Could Be a New Era at NIH

Dinosaurs are roaming the Earth again but this time to welcome the new interim director of the National Institutes of Health. Is this a sign that the scientific Stone Age is over?

Cleveland Clinic Cover-Up: PETA Reveals Violations of Federal Guidelines

Among other incidents, records obtained by PETA reveal that experimenters at the Cleveland Clinic caused mice skin lesions from hair-removal creams.

Dangerous, Hands-On Encounters; Customers Bitten by Big Cats: PETA Exposes Zoological Wildlife Foundation

Following outreach from PETA, the USDA has cited roadside zoo ZWF in Miami numerous times over concerning violations of the Animal Welfare Act.

Stamp Out Speciesism

August 27 is World Day for the End of Speciesism, but what does that mean?

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Tax Dollars at Work: 8 Animal Torture Devices Labs Buy With Your Money

Laboratories are equipped with costly devices—many of which are paid for by tax money—that allow experimenters to carry out cruel and deadly experiments on monkeys.

PETA Scientists to Present the Animal-Free Future of Research

PETA scientists will figure prominently at the 11th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences conference this week.

Cosmetics Tests on Animals Sneak Back Into the European Union

No matter the law, companies always have the option to choose different ingredients or even decide not to develop products if it means sparing animals’ lives.

Dr. Biruté Galdikas Tells NIH: Monkey Brain-Damage Surgeries Are ‘Pointless,’ Must End

“The world has marched on and left unimaginative repetitive studies of no particular value, like Dr. Murray’s, behind in the dust.”

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