Animal Companions
Room to Run and Snuggle: Desmond’s New Home Is PURRfect

This cat was mired in his own waste inside a cage crawling with roaches before his rescue by PETA.

PETA’s Been Exposing NIH Atrocities Since 1981—and a Contracted Beagle-Breeding Factory Is the Latest One

Fauci’s NIAID has been tied to experiments on puppies in Tunisia. But PETA’s history of exposing and stopping other NIH ugliness proves that at the agency, the rot has run deep for decades.

Will Pope Francis Go Vegan to Protect the Planet?

Read about PETA U.K.’s call for Pope Francis to set an example for the more than 1 billion Catholics around the world—as well as countless others who look to His Holiness for leadership.

Asia’s Largest Food Co., Coca-Cola Bottler, and Others Drop Animal Tests

We’re now closer to a day when no animal is maimed, force-fed, or killed in attempts to make bogus human health claims for marketing food and drinks.

COP26? More Like COPOUT26: PETA Entities March for a Vegan World

World leaders at COP26 are asking what they should do to reverse the climate crisis, and PETA entities are hitting the streets with the answer: Go vegan.

Elisabeth Murray Houses Herself in a Roomy Condo and Monkeys in Barren Lab Cages

How does monkey tormentor Elisabeth Murray live compared to the individuals she imprisons in her lab? These photos say it all.

6 Deep SEAcrets About Whales

PETA has a whale of a question for you: What do you know about whales? Check out our list of surprising whale facts and test your aquatic mammal knowledge!

Extend ‘ThanksVegan’ Beyond the Meal: 6 Animal-Friendly Books

If you’re looking for gifts for the family or new ways to spend ThanksVegan together, check out these compassionate holiday tales.

Feds Investigating Texas A&M’s Treatment of Golden Retrievers After PETA Complaints

With the feds and PETA on its case, Texas A&M University should do itself and the dogs it holds captive a favor and put all of them up for adoption.

Were You Misled by Plainville Farms’ ‘Humane’ Advertising? Let Us Know

If you bought Plainville Farms products based on the company’s promises of humane animal treatment, we want to hear from you.

No More Cages for This Rescued Beagle: Samson’s Free, Thanks to PETA

You’ve likely heard the appalling details of PETA’s undercover investigation into Envigo. Meet one dog who put the laboratory supplier’s barren cages in the rearview mirror.

Animal Companions
Washington Post’s Must-Read Profile on PETA’s Field Team May Bring You to Tears AND Inspire You to Take Action for Dogs

Why is it so vital to lobby for tethering bans and other animal-care standards? After spending a few days with PETA fieldworkers, The Washington Post tells the story.

‘K-Pop Fan’ Crashes Breeders’ Cup Winner’s Circle to Protest Horse Slaughter

Her message “Korea Racing Authority, how dare you turn racehorses into dog food!” was hiding in plain sight and seen round the world.

PETA Asia Exposes Live-Export Cruelty: Australian Cattle Butchered Alive

A PETA Asia exposé shows cattle from Australia’s live-export industry butchered for leather while they thrash, kick, and blink—are you wearing their skin?

Tiger-Terrorizing Circus Couple Loses License to Exhibit Animals

After PETA action, a tiger-terrorizing couple finally had their license to exhibit animals canceled. Help us take down cruel exhibitors!

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