Food Bowls Caked With Crud and Cats’ Skulls Cut Open at Wake Forest

Among other horrors PETA uncovered in laboratories at Wake Forest, one monkey was left dangling by his neck and underarms.

‘Everybody’s Somebody’s Baby’—This Easter, Consider Mothers and Their Babies

Three new PETA ads are asking people to go vegan this Easter season to help keep baby cows, sheep, and pigs with their mothers.

Have Compassionate Kids Who Want to Go Vegan? These Tips Can Help

Going vegan can be fun and delicious for young ones, too! Check out PETA Kids’ top tips to help your children make choices that save animals.

PETA Calls On Feds: Cut Funding to Monkey Laboratories Amid Chagas Disease Risk

In addition to being cesspools of suffering, monkey breeding and experimentation facilities have failed to address or even admit the potential public health threats that they pose.

Available for Preorder: 17 Monkeys Changed One Cop’s Life Forever—Find Out How!

A mad scientist, 17 monkeys, and a cop whose life was changed forever—Ingrid Newkirk’s “Free the Animals” is the true story of one woman’s decision to risk everything to save animals. Preorder your copy today!

The Next Pandemic? First American Tests Positive for Bird Flu H5N1 and 5.3 Million Hens Killed in Iowa

See what happened to workers at one of the world’s largest egg factories after the largest mass slaughter on any factory farm in the country.

Here’s Why You Should NEVER Visit Austin Aquarium

Workers left an infant overnight in a cramped cage, and flies took over an enclosure—just two recent problems to add to the laundry list of reasons Austin Aquarium should close.

Why Should You Avoid Houston Interactive Aquarium? The List of Reasons Is Growing

Animals at Houston Interactive Aquarium have endured malnourishment, freezing temperatures, and unsafe direct contact with members of the public. Learn what you can do to help.

Helen the Dolphin Dies at SeaWorld, Ending Her 26-Year Imprisonment in Aquarium and Marine Park Tanks

After spending most of her life confined to aquarium and marine park tanks, a dolphin has died at SeaWorld San Antonio. Here’s how you can take action.

Victory! Big-Cat Cub-Petting Banned in Public Spaces in Quintana Roo, Mexico

Quintana Roo commissioners are leading the rest of the world by example by enacting laws that protect animals and keep abusive industries in check. Let’s persuade U.S. officials to pass the Big Cat Public Safety Act next!

Actor Jena Malone Saw a Dog Apparently Being Abused on a Street in Hollywood—She Took Swift Action, and You Can, Too

It’s essential to stop abuse if you can, no matter the species of the victim. PETA praises Jena Malone for joining other good Samaritans in taking action to ensure a dog’s safety—she made a difference, and so can you.

Another Slaughterhouse-Bound Truck Overturns: What Happens Next Is Sure to Make You Swear Off Pigs’ Flesh (Video)

These pigs’ screams and their terrifying last moments will motivate you to leave the flesh of pigs and all other animals off your plate.

Starbucks U.S. Is All Talk; Starbucks France Takes Action—Urge U.S. Stores to Drop the Vegan Milk Upcharge, Too

Starbucks France knows what’s up, and it’s not customers’ fees for Earth- and animal-friendly milk. For cows and the planet that we all share, urge Starbucks U.S. to do better, too.

Go Fake for the Bears’ Sake: Simon Pegg Stars in New PETA U.K. Campaign

After fending off zombies, outsmarting spies, and traveling through space on screen, actor, writer, and comedian Simon Pegg has a powerful new mission with PETA U.K.

© Rankin
History in the Making! Virginia Governor Signs 5 Beagle Protection Bills

We did it, thanks to PETA supporters like you! See how dogs and cats bred for laboratories, like the beagles at Envigo’s notorious factory farm, will be protected once these laws go into effect.

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