Animal Companions
Why You Should Never ‘Like’ or Share Videos of Animals Being Teased on Social Media

If you come across a social media post or video showing animals being teased, speak out: Leave feedback and help inform others about why these things are harmful. Learn what to say now.

Save a Horse—Ride a Horseless Carriage! Charleston Business Unveils City’s First Electric Carriage

Save a horse—ride a horseless carriage! See what a Charleston business owner did to help horses exploited in his city.

PETA Science Group Presents Awards to Promote Non-Animal Tests

PETA scientists regularly award promising researchers with the tools they need to replace animal tests with modern, kinder methods.

PETA Uncovers Strangulation of Young Monkey at UC-Berkeley

UC-Berkeley laboratory staff can’t remember to give something as basic as water to imprisoned monkeys. Find out how you can help monkeys languishing in labs.

This Industry Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Consumers’ Eyes—See for Yourself

How much do you know about the lives—and the deaths—of sheep used for clothing? PETA Australia’s new site sets the record straight.

Animal Companions
American Humane Continues to Overlook Cruelty, Certifies Petco as Its First ‘Pet’ Provider

With the launch of its certified “pet” provider program, it appears that American Humane’s deception continues.

Shark Hung From School Rafters Prompts PETA Push for Empathy Lessons

A group of high school students reportedly hung a dead shark from the rafters of their high school as an alleged “senior prank.” PETA’s urging empathy lessons.
Order the ‘Lone Star Tick Cookbook’ Today: Vegan ‘Bites’ That Don’t ‘Suck’ for Animals

The lone star tick’s bite transmits a molecule that can cause an allergic reaction to meat and dairy in humans—but whether you’ve been bitten or you’re just looking to ditch meat, PETA’s “Lone Star Tick Cookbook” is for you.

Dozens of Dead Monkeys: PETA Uncovers Horrors in WaNPRC Necropsy Reports

Needles and gauze left inside monkeys and dead baby monkeys. PETA uncovers horrors incompetence at the Washington National Primate Research Center. PETA demands action.

VIDEO: 2022 Kentucky Derby Winner ‘Rich Strike’ Punched in the Face by Outrider

Watch what happened to racehorse Rich Strike after he won the 2022 Kentucky Derby. Here’s how PETA is taking action.

‘I Am Traumatized’: Whistleblower Tells PETA of Her Experiences as a ‘Swim With Dolphins’ Photographer

A former photographer of “swim with dolphins” encounters said it was one of the worst experiences of her life. Find out why.

These Businesses Helped PETA Grow Our ‘Go Vegan for the Earth Day’ Campaign

These businesses participated in PETA’s push for a vegan Earth Day in 2022. Learn how you can carry on the legacy of this animal- and eco-friendly holiday every day.

‘Not One Sparrow Is Forgotten’—Including Those Christine Lattin Kills

You can help “the least of these” by urging Louisiana State University to end Christine Lattin’s deadly experiments on gentle sparrows.

Roadside Zoo ‘Single Vision’ Fined by Feds for Alleged Animal Welfare Act Failures

Over and over again, the roadside zoo Single Vision in Melrose, Florida, has put animals and visitors at risk of injury and even death.

Get the 30th Anniversary Edition of Ingrid Newkirk’s ‘Free the Animals’ Today: Available on Audible Now

Order the newly expanded special edition of “Free the Animals”—with thrilling real-life backstories of the most daring animal rescues in U.S. history.

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