UAB Experimenters Perform Unauthorized Surgeries, Falsify Records

Federal reports confirm a whistleblower’s allegations and PETA’s complaint: Bumbling and incompetence prevail in this University of Alabama–Birmingham transplant laboratory.

A Gift That Keeps On Giving: Donate to Wish PETA President Ingrid Newkirk a Happy Birthday!

Every day, rescue teams from PETA-supported Animal Rahat in India rush to the aid of animals in danger and provide overworked animals with peaceful retirements. In honor of Ingrid Newkirk’s birthday (June 11), please help support its vital work.

Covance Cruelty—Here’s How PETA Has Squared Up to the Shady Supplier and Lab-for-Hire

Longtime PETA target Covance has been slapped with a court order. Here are 11 times PETA squared up to the supplier and laboratory-for-hire.

VIDEO: Alan Cumming Gives Update on Tonka, Chimpanzee Rescued by PETA

Tonka the chimpanzee—rescued earlier this year by PETA from a cramped cell in a Missouri basement—is recovering at a Florida sanctuary.

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Win for Horses! New York Says ‘Neigh’ to $450 Million Horse Racing Industry Ask

Legislators finally said “no” to the greedy New York horse racing industry. Help PETA make this victory the first of many for horses used in racing.

Woman Gored After Approaching Bison at Yellowstone

A woman approached a bison at Yellowstone National Park. What happened next is a cautionary tale about why you should leave wildlife alone.

Right On, Target! Company Ends Glue Trap Sales After Hearing From PETA

By keeping vile glue traps off store shelves, Target is proving that it has a big heart for small animals.

Animal Companions
PETA Is Offering Free Lesson Plans on Empathy to Help in the Classroom

Study after study has confirmed the link between killing animals and committing violent acts against humans. Amid the current epidemic of violence, see how PETA is responding and how you can help.

Animal Companions
Helping Animals in a War Zone: One Volunteer’s Experience in Ukraine

A staff member at a U.S. farmed-animal sanctuary joined PETA Germany’s team near the Ukrainian border in Hungary. Learn about the animals he helped, and find out how you can support this vital work.

Don’t Miss This! From Animal Experimenter to PETA Primate Scientist

This compelling article in The Guardian profiles Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel, PETA’s primate expert, who once experimented on monkeys and now works to get them out of laboratories.

Uvalde Shooter and Others Share a Common Trait: Cruelty to Animals

Study after study has confirmed a link between killing animals and committing violent acts against humans. Amid an epidemic of youth violence, PETA urges everyone to report every act of cruelty.

VIDEO: Jamaica Zoo Employee Taunts Lion, Loses His Finger

A Jamaica Zoo worker taunted a lion, and what happened next horrified visitors. Watch the footage—and never visit a roadside zoo.

PETA U.K. to LEGO: Give Kids the Building Blocks for a Better World

By rebranding its new farm set as a sanctuary, LEGO would allow children to imagine a world in which animals can live in peace.

Kentucky’s New State Regulations Prompt a PETA Push for Animal-Free Shrine Circus

PETA is pushing for animal-free Shrine circuses in Kentucky after the state adopted regulations limiting the use of endangered animals for entertainment.

Dolphins, Bees, Goats, and Others: Animals You Didn’t Know Suffer in War

The bloodshed of war is not limited to humans. PETA explains why other animals are not soldiers and how you can help end the use of animals in war.

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