Victory! American Express Drops Crocodile-Skin Rewards

After 5 years of pressure from PETA supporters, American Express has finally removed some of its cruelest membership perks.

PETA Names Most Beautiful Vegan Celebrities of 2022

PETA’s Most Beautiful Vegan Celebrities of 2022 have been crowned—and they hit all the right notes when it comes to vegan eating.

After PETA’s Rescue, Formerly Chained Chihuahua Is Unrecognizable (Video)

Tiny Henry was chained outside in all weather extremes—all day, every day. Watch his new guardian’s emotional reaction to seeing him before he was rescued by PETA.

How to Keep Birds From Colliding With Windows: Simple Tricks to Save Lives

Why do birds collide with glass? PETA explains why birds don’t see glass as a barrier and suggests simple solutions to make your home bird-friendly.

Watch PETA Transform the Lives of These Starving Sheep Kept at a Convenience Store

Starving and isolated, mother sheep Camellia and her baby needed help. Watch what happened after PETA rescued them.

Victory! Avoyelles Parish School Board to Evict Dangerous Monkey Warehouse

The seedy company responsible for the infamous crash involving monkeys on a Pennsylvania highway earlier this year is at it again. See what it has done now.

Pamplona’s Weeklong ‘Running of the Bulls’ Leaves Dozens of Bulls Slaughtered, at Least 29 Humans Injured

Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls has ended, leaving behind a trail of injured humans and an even longer trail of slaughtered bulls.

Fashion Should Be Fun, Not Fatal—See How Snakes Are Suffering for Accessories

PETA Asia’s new video reveals that workers drive nails into snakes’ heads before killing them and selling their skin to fashion brands around the world. See for yourself, and take action.

Don’t Let History Repeat Itself—Here’s How YOU Can Help Protect Horses Exploited in HBO’s ‘The Gilded Age’

Previously on HBO’s ‘The Gilded Age’: Whistleblowers reported that horses had been overworked, including one who had died. During the filming of season three, PETA’s asking everyone to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself.

‘Dinos’ Roam the Earth to Call For Extinction of the Running of the Bulls

In Pamplona, Spain, 42 bulls will be stabbed to death this week. Will the mayor relegate the Running of the Bulls to the history books—where this archaic bloodbath belongs?

PETA Files USDA Petition Over Bogus ‘Humane’ Meat Labels

The only “humane” meal is a vegan one. PETA is calling on the feds to amend rules and stop certifying bogus claims about animals raised for food.

Worried About Skin Cancer? Eating Fish Found to Be Associated With Melanoma

New science suggests a link between eating fish and developing skin cancer. Learn the facts and what you can do to keep yourself (and fish!) healthy.

Meet the Dog Who Helped Inspire a National News Story: Lady, Finally Unchained

Chained and forgotten in “No-No Land,” Lady was featured in The Washington Post Magazine. Now, she’s free from her chain and in search of the life she always deserved.

Inside PETA’s Shareholder Activism for Birds Used for Down at RH Annual Meeting

PETA is rallying RH shareholders to demand transparency in how birds are treated and killed for the decorative pillows that the retailer sells.

Copyright Friedrich Mülln
Victory! Air France to Ban Transport of Monkeys Following Mile-High PETA Campaign

After a decade of PETA campaigns, Air France has added monkeys to its “No Fly” list. Read on to learn how you can take action for monkeys.

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