Watch for Signs of Heatstroke in Pugs, French Bulldogs, and Other Breathing-Impaired Breeds During Heat Wave

Amid record-breaking heat waves, breathing-impaired breeds—including pugs and French bulldogs—may struggle to survive.

Victory: Department of Transportation Ends Animal Testing Requirement!

This week, with encouragement from PETA, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) expanded its acceptance of animal-free testing.

Why the World’s First Octopus Farm Must Not Open

Octopuses are not currently “farmed” animals, but there are plans for an octopus farm to open in Spain in 2023. Take action to help PETA stop this atrocity.

Animal Companions
Join Us! PETA’s Legacy Essentials: 7 Steps to Continuing Your Life Story

We all want to ensure that we, our loved ones, and our convictions are protected now and in the future. Sign up to learn how to properly plan for peace of mind.

Rescued Rats and Mice Rushed to Sanctuary—Read How PETA India Made It Happen

More than 150 rats and mice illegally bred and used for unauthorized experimentation at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research are on their way to a sanctuary. Read about their rescue.

UMass Menopause Experiments on Marmosets Make Lily Tomlin Hot Under the Collar

These tiny monkeys don’t go through “the change.” You won’t find them fanning themselves with banana leaves. So why are experimenters “studying menopause” using them?

PETA Names the Top Things That Hit Video Game ‘Stray’ Gets Right About Cats

The hit video game Stray points out many important struggles that “outdoor cats” face, and it’s getting top marks from PETA for its accuracy.

A Neighbor, Not a Nuisance: Getting the Facts on Opossums

Did you know opossums almost never carry rabies? Learn why, along with other facts about America’s most populous marsupial.

1,000 Chickens Burned to Death at Costco Supplier’s Slaughterhouse

PETA is calling for criminal charges against a Costco supplier after 1,000 chickens were killed and 1,500 were injured in a horrific truck fire.

Experimenters Push Monkey Species to the Brink of Extinction

Two species of monkeys are now listed as “endangered,” and the animal experimentation industry is to blame. Tell the feds to stop importing them!

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
Animal Companions
Your Family’s Mission This Summer? Help Dogs Survive Hot Weather!

Has your family ever spotted a dog left in a hot car? PETA Kids shares information on how to take immediate action as well as helpful tips for keeping animals cool this summer.

Eli Lilly Removes Forced Swim Test Failure From Prozac Info Materials

In an apparent attempt to avoid defending the use of the cruel forced swim test, Eli Lilly has altered informational materials on its best seller, Prozac.

Animal Companions
Maxi’s Owner Passed Away—Can You Love and Comfort Her?

PETA is trying to find a new home for sweet senior dog Maxi, whose owner passed away, leaving her outside alone. Can you love and comfort Maxi for the rest of her life?

Animal Companions
Spreading Compassion Around the Globe: Ukraine Updates
From Shell to Hell: New Investigation Exposes Top Egg- and Meat-Producing States in India

What did PETA India find while undercover in India’s top egg- and meat-producing states? Chicks fed to fish, ground up, dumped in pits, abandoned in garbage cans, and more—all while still alive.

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