PETA Urges Pakistani Vet Schools to End Cow ‘Rectal Palpation’ Drills

Veterinary schools in Pakistan reportedly use live cattle in cruel reproductive training exercises, despite the existence of superior, animal-free models.

@ Jo-Anne McArthur / Israel Against Live Shipments / We Animals Media
Rogue Surgeries, Gross Negligence Continue in Vanderbilt U. Laboratories

In Vanderbilt University’s laboratories, animals have been subjected to invasive experimental surgeries but denied pain relief—and other animals have died of starvation or thirst.

Animal Companions
PETA Fielded Calls From California to Canada to Help Animals This Summer

On an average day, PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department receives dozens of phone calls reporting cases of animal abuse. Here’s what happens next.

VIDEO: Eyewitness Reveals Bloody Attack of an Orca at SeaWorld San Diego

A visitor who witnessed the bloody attack of an orca at SeaWorld San Diego alerted PETA to the horrific incident. Take action for orcas!

PETA Celebrates the End of USDA’s ‘Teachable Moments’

The USDA’s “teachable moments” proposed that there was a learning curve to treating animals humanely. PETA breaks down why this system was such a failure.

Paulina Rubio Urges Miami Seaquarium to Release Lolita to a Sanctuary

Paulina Rubio, PETA, and many others are speaking out for Lolita, asking The Dolphin Company to let her live out her golden years in a better place.

Are You Patrick’s Star? PETA-Rescued Labradoodle Looking for New Home

Patrick loves tennis balls, has gorgeous cocoa-brown fur, and is looking for a family to call his own—could you be Patrick’s star?

Animal Companions
Buying French Bulldogs, Pugs, and Other Breathing-Impaired Breeds Is Flat-Out Cruel

Flat-faced dogs suffer debilitating and sometimes fatal health conditions, all for humans’ arbitrary aesthetic preferences or the latest fad.

Celebrate International Friendship Day With These Heartwarming PETA Rescue Stories

This International Friendship Day, these heartwarming PETA rescue stories will remind you that the truest friends stick together—even through the toughest times.

PETA Primate Scientist Eviscerates Experimentation Industry’s Pathetic Secrecy Defense

Animals in University of Washington labs have died from starvation and strangulation. This powerful op-ed lays out why the school doesn’t get to hide the truth about its “oversight” committee.

A representation of primates at UW
How Muslims Can Help Animals in the New Year

This Islamic new year, we’re asking Muslims to consider how they can help make the world a more compassionate place for animals.

PETA Scientists Show How to Improve Research Without Using Fetal Bovine Serum

Every year, an estimated 1.8 million unborn calves are killed to produce fetal bovine serum for use in laboratories. PETA scientists have a better plan.

Forced to Perform, Bear Attacks Worker in Room Full of Children in China

An Asian black bear attacked a worker during an event in China largely attended by young children. Animal acts are dangerous for all and must end.

You’ve Never Seen Disney Dogs Like This PETA Artist’s Portrayal

Perdita in a puppy-breeding factory and Pluto chained? PETA’s satirical series reimagines these and other iconic Disney dogs.

Watch for Signs of Heatstroke in Pugs, French Bulldogs, and Other Breathing-Impaired Breeds During Heat Wave

Amid record-breaking heat waves, breathing-impaired breeds—including pugs and French bulldogs—may struggle to survive.

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