Victory! Court Strikes Down Iowa ‘Ag-Gag’ Law: Recording on Farms No Longer Banned

For more than a century, the public has relied on undercover investigations to expose illegal and cruel practices on factory farms and in slaughterhouses.

World Rabies Day: Are Your Animal Companions Vaccinated?

Do you know when your dog’s or cat’s rabies vaccination expires? Forgetting can be deadly for all your loved ones.

Creepy, Crawly, and Cruel: Japanese Experimenters Are Making Cyborg Cockroaches

A new video shows experimenters in Japan attempting to create cyborg cockroaches. These experiments teach the harmful lesson that certain animals don’t deserve compassion.

Know a Kind Teacher? TeachKind Has Free Resources on Instagram for Educators

TeachKind is led by former classroom teachers who create content for teaching compassion. See all the tips and resources you can use with your students this school season!

PETA Praises President Biden’s New Executive Order Backing Cell-Based Meat

PETA has long been a supporter of using cell cultures to replace the use of animals for food. Here’s why we support the president’s new executive order.

Lucy, I’m Home! (That’s Just What This Adoptable Rottie Wants to Hear)

Lucy was heartbroken when her loving guardian fell ill. But now, this radiant Rottweiler is ready to be your right-hand gal.

Coconspirator in Tonka’s Kidnapping Cited for Reckless Exotic-Animal Show

First, he lied in court in an attempt to abduct Tonka. Then he let animals languish and put children in danger with his reckless traveling exotic-animal attraction, A–Z Exotic Animal Adventures.

PETA Calls For a Strike on Sex With Meat-Eating Men

PETA is proposing a strike on sex with meat-eating men. Men’s diets cause 41% more greenhouse gases than women’s diets.

Why Do Vegans Eat Food That Looks Like Meat? The Answers May Surprise You

One of the most frequent questions we’re asked is “Why do vegans eat food that looks like meat—why not just eat the real thing?” We’ll explain.

© LikeMeat
PETA Uncovers Beagle Abuser Illegally Imported 1,000+ Monkeys on Unlicensed Airlines

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has apparently enabled illegal shipments of monkeys to vile Envigo, posing great risk to monkeys and the American public.

Kshamenk the Orca Has Been Imprisoned at Mundo Marino for 30 Years—Here’s What Has Happened to Other Orcas There

An orca named Kshamenk has been held captive at Mundo Marino for 30 years. Learn about the orcas who have suffered at this cruel marine park.

Kohana Is the Third Orca to Die at Spain’s Loro Parque in 18 Months

How many more orcas are going to die at Loro Parque in Tenerife, Spain, before this marine prison is shut down?

Who Are You Wearing? PETA Makes Noise, Saying ‘Leather Destroys’

Leather is devastating for animals, the environment, and human health. It has no place in your wardrobe or anyone else’s.

Cool, Cuddly, and Cute as a Button: All This Cat Needs Is a New Family

Buttons is neutered, healthy, up to date on veterinary care, and ready to find his perfect match. Think that could be you?

Ivy League Scientist Pummeled Pigs’ Brains and Likely Falsified Data

A Penn scientist whose “research” involved pummeling piglets’ brains left the school suddenly and retracted his findings from publications.

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