VICTORY! After Uproar From PETA, Plans Scrapped for Huge Monkey Warehouse in Florida

We got wind of this company’s plan to build a dangerous facility to house imported lab-bound monkeys—and we jumped into action.

Personal Care & Fashion
A Message to Montréal From NOIZE and PETA: Have Compassion in Fashion

Fashion brand NOIZE has teamed up with PETA for a new display in Montréal’s Eaton Centre. Together, we’re calling on shoppers to choose compassionate fashion.

Cruelty Causes Cannibalism in Columbia University’s Laboratories

Federal records document that Columbia University labs are lawless hellholes, in which experimenters perform unapproved surgeries and mice eat each other to survive.

‘EMPTY THE TANKS’: Praxis Hits Miami With Seaquarium in Sight

Praxis put a fresh coat of paint on Miami to raise awareness of the dolphins held prisoner at the Miami Seaquarium, who were starved to the point of emaciation.

How Did a Trip to the Big Apple Go for One British University’s President? Watch the Video to See

After the University of Bristol’s president crossed the pond, PETA delivered a loud-and-clear message regarding who the school needs to get out of the water.

Grin or Grimace? Greeting Card Association Posts PETA Primatologist’s Position

The Greeting Card Association is helping to expose the dark side of what were once thought of as “silly cards.”

Looking for Craft Projects This ‘ThanksVegan’? PETA Kids Is Lending a Hand

Help your kids encourage kindness to turkeys by making a traditional Thanksgiving craft with an animal rights twist.

From Fearful Five to Fabulous Friends: Meet These Adoptable Kittens

These kittens were literally thrown to the dogs, but thanks to quick-thinking PETA staffers, they survived the ordeal. Do you have room for one (or two) in your family?

She’s Tormented Cats and Monkeys and Lied About It—Here’s the Truth

Margaret Livingstone downplays the cruelty of her experiments, but her papers document that she’s tormented and killed baby monkeys, cats, and other animals.

The Agony-Filled Lives and Miserable Deaths of Monkeys in Murray’s Lab

Solitary confinement, constant thirst, infections, hair loss for more than a decade—this is life for monkeys in Elisabeth Murray’s lab.

The World Is on Fire—Christine Lattin’s Plan? Scare Birds With Pink Puffs

While others do real science to address the climate catastrophe, Christine Lattin dithers away in her laboratory, piling more birds’ bodies onto her ever-growing mountain of carcasses.

PETA Files Complaint With Feds After a Sheep Bleeds Out in Cornell Lab

PETA is calling for accountability after incompetence in a laboratory at Cornell University caused a sheep to bleed out after an experimental surgery was botched.

How Many Animals Are Killed When Humans Harvest Plants?

When animal-abusing industries try to “destroy vegans with facts and logic,” they struggle to make sense. Here are the real facts about eating vegan.

Photos: Police Arrest ‘Husky’ at PETA Protest Against F1’s Iditarod Ties

The rest of this weekend’s protests in Austin, Texas, against F1’s ties to the deadly Iditarod will go full steam ahead at Circuit of the Americas.

USDA Steps Up Enforcement After Dolphins Starved at Miami Seaquarium

Following the USDA’s report showing that the Miami Seaquarium starved dolphins, the agency issued an official warning about the consequences of future welfare violations.

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