PETA Reveals Animal Transfers and Dolphin Deaths at SeaWorld Parks in 2022

We’re adding up the numbers: How many dolphins, whales, and other cetaceans died at SeaWorld parks in 2022, and how many were shipped overseas?

Victory! Top Sponsors Pull Sponsorships of the Hadi Shrine Circus

Victory! Top sponsors have pulled their support of the Hadi Shrine Circus, which still uses elephants and other animals in its cruel acts.

PETA Exposes the Monkey-Importation Industry’s Darkest Secrets

Hungry for profits, the monkey-abduction industry condemns its victims to misery in laboratories—and risks public health and global biodiversity to do it. Help us shut it down.

PETA Gets Monkey-Torture Papers Scrubbed From Scientific Record

After action by PETA and renowned bioethicist and Animal Liberation author Peter Singer, papers describing monkey torture have been scrubbed from the scientific record.

PETA Calls Out UMass Support of Bloody Monkey Torment in New School Seal

The University of Massachusetts–Amherst, home of marmoset tormentor Agnès Lacreuse, is looking for help redesigning its school seal. PETA was happy to oblige.

PETA Files Complaint After Top-Tier School’s Incompetence Causes Suffering, Death

PETA demands that University of Michigan officials finally crack down on the culture of cruelty in its laboratories and hold its staffers accountable for their actions.

Good Riddance to Farmer John, Which Killed an Estimated 7,000 Pigs Daily

The infamous California slaughterhouse has finally shuttered, with one last vigil for the pigs as a send-off. The vile facility will not be missed as we mourn the millions of pigs it murdered.

Victory! NHL Drops Cruel Alligator All-Star Weekend Plans After Push From PETA

After hearing from PETA and over 37,000 supporters, today the National Hockey League (NHL) and the Florida Panthers confirmed scrapping plans to incorporate live alligators during All-Star Weekend.

PETA Latino in Cancún: Spaying Like There’s No Mañana

In just one weekend, PETA Latino sterilized more than 200 animals. Learn how their efforts will help end the companion animal overpopulation crisis.

Animal Companions
From Concrete Slab to Dog Condo: See How PETA Helps ‘Backyard Dogs’

A heavy chain couldn’t stop Duke’s joy when PETA’s team first saw him in Cancún. See how they changed his life and learn how you can help dogs like him.

Animal Companions
Want a Companion Who’ll Keep You Laughing? Meet the Marvelous Mr. Milo

Thanks to PETA, Milo’s story is spinning from tragedy to comedy. Can you give this fun-loving kitten the care and respect he deserves—and a place to work on his stand-up act?

UPDATE: More Than 100 Children as Young as 13 Illegally Worked at More Than a Dozen U.S. Slaughterhouses, Federal Investigators Find

A federal investigation has blown the lid off rampant illegal child labor at more than a dozen slaughterhouses across the U.S. Here’s what YOU can do.

Damning Video Shows 2023 Iditarod Winner’s Greed and Cruelty to Dogs

PETA received damning footage of the 2023 Iditarod winner, Ryan Redington, dragging his visibly exhausted dogs during the race.

PETA’s Investigation Is Victorious in Colombia; Not Even a Ripple From U.S.

Colombian officials move to dismantle the hellhole lab that PETA exposed. Is the National Institutes of Health still sending it checks?

UW Now Accepting Applications for Spin Doctor at Notorious Primate Center

The University of Washington is looking for a new PR manager to put a happy face on its notorious primate center, a vile and inept monkey prison.

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