Boost Your Child’s Compassion With These Animal-Friendly Reads for Kids

If you’re looking for new stories to fire your child’s imagination, PETA Kids’ favorite books are full of colorful and engaging tales of empathy for animals.

New York Governor Wants to Lend Nearly Half a Billion Dollars for WHAT?

Why is the Coalition to End Horse Racing Subsidies going up against New York’s governor? PETA reveals the answer via some disturbing facts and lets you know how to help.

Animal Companions
Help Adoptable Cat Kumar Find the ‘Right Castle’ to Call His Own

Kumar was suffering from a severe respiratory infection—not to mention a shocking lack of late-night munchie options—when PETA swooped in to help. Now all he needs is a new home!

Incompetent Staff Increase Animal Body Count at Brigham and Women’s Hospital Laboratories

PETA demands that animal welfare violators at Brigham and Women’s Hospital face swift and meaningful repercussions to stem the tide of neglect and violence in its laboratories.

Animal Companions
32 Dog House Drop-Offs and Marley’s Makeover: CAP’s Winter Roundup

From giving painfully matted Marley a makeover to helping elderly cat Mischief gently pass, PETA fieldworkers do everything they can to help animals in need.

Federal Court Upholds Unconstitutionality of North Carolina Ag-Gag Law as Applied to PETA

Power to the people! Learn what makes North Carolina’s agribusiness industry so ugly: The state tried to PUNISH truth-tellers.

LSU Bird Experimenter Calls This Violence ‘Science’—PETA Calls Her Bluff

LSU’s Christine Lattin flooded birds with hormones, terrorized them with predator sounds, and killed them. Her violence isn’t science—help end it today.

Singer Alissa White-Gluz Transformed Into What for This PETA Ad?

Animal advocate Alissa White-Gluz is the lead vocalist in the melodic death metal band Arch Enemy and a dedicated vegan.

Photo: © Shayan Asgharnia
Animal Companions
A Glow-Up for the Ages: Wally’s a Brand-New Dog Who Needs Brand-New Digs

Left outside with no shelter and a raging skin infection, Wally had shut down completely. But today the only thing contagious is this adoptable pup’s newfound optimism!

Did Agnès Lacreuse Lie to Get Taxpayer Money for Monkey Experiments?

A notorious University of Massachusetts–Amherst experimenter may have lied on a grant application to secure taxpayer money for bogus experiments on monkeys.

Obtained by PETA through public records law
Who’s the Most Influential Vegan in India? Watch PETA’s New Video to Find Out

Who was named PETA India’s “Most Influential Vegan” of 2022? PETA President Ingrid Newkirk chats with him in this video.

Appalling Sanitation and Animal Welfare Issues at World’s Largest Pig Slaughterhouse

Want some feces with that bacon? How about hydraulic fluid on your ham sandwich? That may be what you’re getting if you eat pork—see the latest report.

PETA Explains What Happens to Roosters Used in Cockfighting

A cockfight takes place when two roosters fight—often to the death—for the entertainment of onlookers. Learn how to help birds used in cockfights.

Dozens of Live Animals Found in Petco Dumpster—Take Action Now!

In a dumpster outside a Petco store, a woman was horrified to find more than just garbage.

10 Reasons Why There’s No Excuse Not to Go Vegan

If you haven’t gone vegan yet, stop with the excuses and make the compassionate switch today. Motivate yourself with a few tips from PETA!

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