End Your Marriage to the Carriage: How Horses Endure Cruelty in Cartagena

Confused about how horse-drawn carriages plus tourists in Cartagena, Colombia, equals equine abuse? PETA clears up the equation and gets you galloping to help.

We Asked ChatGPT to Tell Us Why Humans Shouldn’t Eat Cheese—Here’s What It Said

We asked ChatGPT to give us five reasons why humans should stop eating cheese—and it made a strong case for ditching dairy.

Is Your Cat Knowledge Up to Scratch? You Won’t Want to Miss This Event

In honor of National Cat Lady Day (April 19), PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s free virtual event is back to help you decode more mysteries of the feline body and mind. Save your spot (or stripes!) today.

Study Linking Meat to UTIs Prompts Launch of Shocking New PETA Ad

People have enough to deal with without a UTI, and animals don’t want to die, so PETA is reminding everyone that eating meat can come back to sting them.

Animal Companions
Former AKC Judge Faces 27 Criminal Charges After Officials Found 2 Dogs Dead, Others Reportedly ‘Swimming in Feces’ at His Kennel

This breeder used to judge dog shows for the American Kennel Club. Now it’s his turn to be judged—and he’s facing 27 criminal charges.

White dog photo © Isselee | Dreamstime.com; Dog Behind Bars © iStock.com/Dan Brandenburg
Blue Lobsters Have Better Luck, so PETA Releases Dye Kit to Save Them All

PETA’s chemical-free blue dye binds to lobster shells for up to six months when squeezed into water. Here’s how it could help save lives.

A Week in the Life of PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department

Animal emergencies don’t take the day off. On holidays, weekends, and every other day of the year, PETA receives calls about animals in danger.

Here’s How This Donkey-Rescuing Celeb Is Taking Action in Greece

Learn why animal advocate and actor Anjelica Huston wrote a letter to the prime minister of Greece—and why you should take action, too.

© StarMaxInc.com
Miami Seaquarium Announces Plan to Return Long-Suffering Orca Lolita to the Ocean

If Lolita is finally returned to her home waters, there will be cheers around the world, including from PETA supporters, who have demanded her freedom for years.

Animal Companions
From the Streets to a Safe Shelter: Here’s How PETA Latino and Local Partners Helped Matilda and Other Dogs and Cats in Cancún

These canines in Cancún, Mexico, got the help they needed after a visit from teams supported by PETA’s Global Compassion Fund.

Chili’s Is Changing Children’s Placemats to Help Wild Animals?

What did parrots, monkeys, and Chili’s children’s placemats have in common that required a change? PETA has the compassionate scoop.

© Chili’s
Why Whisker Trimming and Mane Pulling Are Cruel to Horses

Did you know that horses have whiskers? Horse whiskers are commonly shaved off, and their manes are often pulled just so they’ll look a certain way.

See What PETA Did to Shut Down a Horrific Swiss Experiment on Birds

A Swiss experimenter wanted to drill holes into the skulls of birds in preposterous and deadly experiments—until PETA scientists helped shut him down.

Artist Depicts a Cow’s Face Using Rice, Making a Powerful Statement

Can rice art depict a cow so effectively that it wins your heart? Watch this short time-lapse video to discover more reasons to love these gregarious grazers.

Reuters Report: Top Federal Official Steps Down Following PETA Exposé

After PETA obtained documents that show how U.S. Department of Agriculture leaders failed beagles at Envigo, a top official is leaving!

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