You Can Now Rescue Animals on Roblox?! Learn How

For a limited time only, millions of people will have the chance to enjoy an animal-friendly experience on one of the most popular online gaming platforms. Learn how your kids can join!

Breaking: 18,000 Animals Killed in Explosion and Fire on Texas Dairy Farm

Tragedies like this occur when living, feeling beings are treated as if they’re crops or nothing more than inanimate objects.

PETA-Supported Teams Rescue 1,000 Fish and Help Ukraine Soldiers Save Dogs

The PETA-supported team was asked to rescue 1,000 fish from the battle zone in Bakhmut—and you’ll never guess what they offered the owner!

Victory! Walgreens Says ‘Goodbye’ to Demeaning Greeting Cards of Great Apes

Another retail giant has followed Rite Aid and CVS in banning the sale of greeting cards that mock great apes. Urge Hallmark to follow suit!

Progress! Primate Center Director Demoted After Pressure From PETA

A primate center’s director lied in a paper and on grant applications for monkey experiments. PETA called for his removal, and today he’s no longer in charge.

Justice for Cornelius: Officials Must Not Allow WNPRC to Continue to Evade the Law

Swift action is needed on Cornelius’ case following reports of more animal welfare violations at the University of Wisconsin’s Wisconsin National Primate Research Center.

Viral Story of Slaughtered Goat Reveals How 4-H Seeks to Desensitize Kids to Violence

Young people in 4-H are given the dangerous message that it’s acceptable to send their animal friends off to endure a violent, terrifying death at a slaughterhouse.

Join Us on April 27 to Learn About Our Plan to Save Donkeys

You won’t believe all the ways we’re helping donkeys—but you can see the work in action at this free virtual event. Sign up today!

Paint Chips in an Orca’s Mouth, a SeaWorld Trainer Harmed, AND Dolphin Attacks?

Why were paint chips in an orca’s mouth at SeaWorld? How would that end up harming a trainer? PETA dives deep into this subject and aggression among dolphins.

WATCH: ‘Succession’ Star’s Piglet Rescue Will Melt Your Heart

Award-winning actor and animal rights advocate James Cromwell has become the guardian angel of a piglet who was bound for a gruesome fate.

Shooting in Dallas Leads to Discovery of 2,000+ Chickens in Peril

Roosters used in cockfights suffer and die. PETA explains how you can help victims of this vile blood sport.

Animal Companions
Learn How Rabbits Are Exploited in Laboratories, on Angora Wool Farms, and Elsewhere This Easter Sunday

These shocking facts about rabbits might inspire you to take action for bunnies this Easter.

‘It’ Isn’t Right! Pronoun Pointers From PETA Explain How to Refer to Our Fellow Animals

Like humans, other animals are living, feeling individuals. Here’s why you should always refer to them as “he” or “she” and never call them “it.”

Animal Companions
10 Reasons Not to Buy a Bunny for Easter—or Ever

Bunnies aren’t Easter decorations—they’re sensitive individuals who are surprisingly high maintenance, and you’ll be shocked by how terribly they’re treated in the pet trade.

Amid Probe by Feds, Charles River Fights Transparency, Pays Execs Millions, Calls Monkeys ‘Pests’

PETA learned that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is poking around Charles River Laboratories in a new probe.

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