PETA Calls For Suspension of Racing at Saratoga After 14 Horse Deaths

Summer is a time for easy living—but for 14 horses at Saratoga Race Course, it has only brought death. Check out how PETA’s taking action.

Animal Companions
Think You Have What It Takes to Get a Perfect Score on a Quiz About PETA?

Take our quiz celebrating PETA’s 43rd birthday and find out how you can help make our next landmark victory possible.

Dear TikTokers: Stop Catching Gulls for Content

Beachgoers participating in these cruel TikTok videos should be warned: Not only are these videos callous, they might also be illegal.

VIDEO: PETA Reveals New ‘Must-See’ Alaska Tourist Destination Ad

This new “must-see” Alaska tourist video reveals the truth behind this activity that will have you rethinking your travel plans.

The Will to Be! Hamlet’s Story May Have You Crying Tears of Joy

After suffering the slings and arrows (or in this case—missiles) of outrageous fortune, Hamlet and his guardian were left with only their lives—and injured Hamlet needed help, fast.

Screaming ‘Monkeys’ Confront Whole Foods Over Thai Coconut Milk Sales

Why did chained “monkeys” raise hell outside Whole Foods’ HQ? To speak up for our fellow primates! Here’s how we’re blasting the chain for propping up a cruel industry.

Historic News: Top Colombian University Bans Forced Swim Test on Animals

Universidad del Valle is the first college in Latin America to join universities in the U.K. and Australia by taking this groundbreaking action.

SeaQuest Trumbull Is Closing: Sinking the Shipwreck of a Facility

Seedy mall aquariums exist only to exploit animals for money. Find out how PETA helped get SeaQuest Trumbull to close down.

Did Inotiv Bribe Foreign Officials to Keep Monkeys Flowing to Laboratories?

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has opened an investigation into monkey dealer Inotiv under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

It’s PETA’s 43rd Birthday! Here’s the Best Way to Celebrate

PETA is creating a kinder world for all sentient beings, from shutting down experiments on animals to exposing the horrors of factory farms. Please support our vital work, which allows us to save animals like Samson.

Let Your Kids’ Creativity Fly With an Animal-Friendly Activity

Teaching your young ones about animal rights can be a colorful experience. Help them display their respect for chickens with this fun and free PETA Kids activity.

Animal Companions
Meet a Few of the Thousands of Animals PETA Fieldworkers Helped This Spring

When an animal is in need, PETA fieldworkers do everything in their power to help. Learn more about their groundbreaking work.

PETA Wins $140,000 in Attorneys’ Fees in Suit Against Stony Brook After Demanding Records on Rabbit Experiments

PETA’s probe into a New York university’s experiments on rabbits led to a years-long battle over public records in court. THIS is what happened after the suit was settled.

Video of Runaway Bull at Utah Rodeo Proves These Events Are Dangerous for Everyone

Rodeos are dangerous to bulls, horses, and humans. There are certainly more civilized ways to entertain ourselves, without harming a soul.

PETA Urges Federal Agencies to Investigate Alarming Conditions at Emory and OHSU

PETA is sounding the alarm: The failure to sanitize primate caging at Emory and OHSU harms animals and poses a risk to human health.

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