Animal Companions
This Magic Bean Is Ready to Be Planted in Your Lap

Even if your name isn’t Jack, today may be your lucky day, because this enchanting little fellow is looking for a place to put down roots.

The Numbers Don’t Lie: NIH Is Financially Bloated, Ineffective, Cruel

At the National Institutes of Health, tax money is squandered and cruelty rules the day. PETA has the numbers to prove it.

RIGHT: © Sakowski
‘Doc’ Antle From ‘Tiger King’ Convicted on Four Wildlife Trafficking Counts

“Doc” Antle was just convicted of four felonies for wildlife trafficking: Now PETA will push for his park to be shut down.

COVID-19 Is the Latest Reason Why Wildlife Trafficking Must Stop

Trafficking animals—like similar trades in drugs, weapons, and humans—is a huge criminal moneymaker that puts countless lives at risk.

PETA President Is Back With All-New Live Virtual Talk on ‘Animalkind’

Ask and have your animal questions answered live! Register now to attend PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s virtual presentation about her latest book on October 14.

Epic Fail: Desperate Monkey Experimenters Try to Justify Their Own Existence

As modern science moves away from archaic and cruel tests on animals, experimenters are getting desperate. You won’t believe their latest desperate ploy for attention.

Joanna Krupa Tells Urban Outfitters to ‘Get With the Program’ and Go Completely Vegan

Former “Real Housewives” star Joanna Krupa speaks up for animals in PETA’s anti-wool video against Urban Outfitters.

WATCH: The Tide Is Turning on Orca Captivity

Riding the wave of France’s historic announcement that it’s banning orca captivity, PETA supporters are urging the European-owned Miami Seaquarium to retire Lolita to a seaside sanctuary, too!

Victory! EPA Stops Requiring Use of Animals in Pesticide Test

Good news: The Environmental Protection Agency is reducing pesticide testing on animals! Find out how you can help end more cruel tests.

Johns Hopkins Owl Torture Tests: Confirmed Useless, Apparently Illegal

Cutting into owls’ skulls, screwing devices onto their heads, poking around in their exposed brains—Shreesh Mysore does this and more, despite admitting the tests could be rubbish.

Still Eat Chicken? Hear What This Former Tyson Chicken Farmer Has to Say

Chickens freezing to death on transport trucks, dead birds lining the road like a twisted version of Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs—if you eat chicken, THIS is what you support.

Officials Shut Down Illegal Tiger Exhibit on Its Opening Day, Thanks to PETA

It’s unethical to confine tigers to small trailers and haul them all over the place just for selfies. This year, there won’t be any such photo ops at the Cowtown Fair in Fort Worth, Texas.

Experts Agree With PETA: Government Fear Experiments on Monkeys Are Worthless!

See the damning critiques issued by primatologists, mental health professionals, and others of Elisabeth Murray’s cruel, taxpayer-funded experiments.

Animal Companions
Progress for ‘Pet’ Snakes! Zoo Med Removes a Major Lie About Its Cramped Tanks After Landmark PETA Lawsuit!

Some dictionaries mistakenly define “snake” as “a treacherous or deceitful person,” but it was Zoo Med that lied to customers about the inadequate tanks it peddles for these sensitive animals.

© Boonyatecha
5,000 Dogs, Other Animals Likely Bought Online Found Dead in Shipping Boxes

“It was like a living hell,” said one witness. “[T]he entire place reek[ed] of rotting bodies.”

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