Animal Companions
It Was a Dirty Job, but Someone Had to Save This Kitten

Life in a storm drain might suit a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle just fine, but an 8-week-old kitten? Not so much.

The Red Lantern: A Deathless Dogsledding Video Game? Get Real

Makers of The Red Lantern call their video game “story-driven.” But by including a “Dogs Always Live” setting, they’re sugarcoating more than 150 real dogs’ tragic stories.

Animal Companions
Rep. Dina Titus to USDA: End Cruel Tests on Animals to Help Farmers

Farmers are forced to pay mandatory fees by the USDA that are used to fund deadly tests on animals—and Rep. Dina Titus is joining PETA to say enough is enough.

Be the One to Plant the Seeds—Give PETA’s Vegan Power Pack Today!

Stuffed with must-try vegan snacks, quick meals, condiments, and more, our Vegan Power Pack is a perfect gift to share with soon-to-be-vegans or a delicious treat for you to enjoy.

Animal Rights, Not Rides! PETA Campaign Saves Horses and Camels at Giza Pyramids

Your voice makes a difference! Electric cars and buses will replace the egregiously abused horses and camels forced to haul tourists at the Giza pyramids.

WATCH: Two PETA Investigations, 20 Years Apart, Reveal Same Misery for Monkeys

The Oregon National Primate Research Center has come up with many demented ways to torture monkeys on the taxpayer’s dime, but what never changes is that it treats monkeys miserably. Help us shut it down.

Nick Nack Should’ve Been Free to Do All This—Instead, He Was Driven Mad in a Lab

Just look at distressed Nick Nack in Elisabeth Murray’s government laboratory compared to healthy monkeys in their natural habitat.

New PETA Grant Honors EPA Move to Non-Animal Tests

EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler and his team are working to end the agency’s reliance on flawed animal tests. Find out how PETA is honoring this visionary work.

USEPA photo by Eric Vance
Fantastic News! Animal Rides to Be Banned at Giza Pyramids After PETA Campaign
TODAY: Free PETA Webinar! Top Experts Share How to Leave a Legacy of Compassion

Don’t miss this virtual event on October 22! Learn essentials including strategies for financial and estate planning, cruelty-free investing, and planning for animal companions. Please note: This event is most relevant for people based in the U.S.

Speciesism Is Driving This Half-Billion-Year-Old Species Extinct

Horseshoe crabs have survived mass extinctions and ice ages. But they’ve never met a danger as big as the speciesist humans who want their blood.

Animal Companions
Is This Cat Too Gorgeous for Her Own Good?

There’s no denying that this cat is gorgeous, but even her stunning good looks didn’t prevent her from losing her home.

VIDEO: Activists Arrested, Dragged Off Field Protesting TAMU Dog Experiments

The most talked-about play at Texas A&M’s most recent football game wasn’t made by a player—it was made by PETA supporters rushing the field, urging TAMU to shut down its dog lab.

Photo by Rogelio V Solis/AP/Shutterstock
Arsonist Gets 11 Years Behind Bars for Animal Abuse, Other Crimes

Arsonist Michael Jarrod Bakkela was sentenced to 11 years in prison after pleading no contest to animal abuse and other charges.

© Jackson County Sheriff's Office
Challenging Assumptions: A Social Justice Curriculum

TeachKind’s free “Challenging Assumptions” curriculum empowers students to question societal norms and inspires empathy for all regardless of race, gender, sexual identity, age, ability, or species.

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