20 Times PETA Smashed Experiments and Saved Animals in 2020

2020 may have blown chunks, but PETA gutted animal testing like never before! Relive 20 of our favorite victories from this year that saved millions of animals.

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Animal Companions
PETA’s Open Letter to Shelters: Animals Are Counting on You

When shelters hand animals over to self-proclaimed “rescue groups” without thoroughly screening them, many animals are doomed to gruesome fates far worse than death.

VICTORY! State Supreme Court Sides With PETA Against LSU in Public Records Case

Louisiana State University thought that it could hide public records about Christine Lattin’s cruel and absurd experiments on birds. It was wrong yet again.

Lila the Tiger and 9 Others Who Deserve So Much Better Than Waccatee Zoo

Tigers are known for their unique coat patterns, which (in nature) help them camouflage themselves. But at Waccatee Zoo, Lila no longer looks like a tiger—she’s almost bald.

There’s No Monkey Shortage for COVID-19 Experiments Because NO Monkeys Are Needed

In this powerful op-ed, PETA adviser Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel says that despite experimenters’ whining, monkey-tested vaccines repeatedly fail in humans.

40 Times PETA Blew the Lid off the Things Animal Abusers Don’t Want You to See

A lot has changed since the Silver Spring monkeys case (PETA’s first undercover investigation), but one thing has remained constant: Our exposés help us win victories for animals.

You Won’t Believe These Horrifying Quotes From a PETA Investigator

Here’s the true story of a PETA investigator who bravely went undercover at an alligator farm to expose the animals’ suffering. You won’t believe this horrifying report.

Goodbye, ‘Karen’—Hello, Caring: PETA’s What’s ‘In’ and ‘Out’ List for 2021

We don’t know what’s in store for the world in 2021, but we do know being animal-friendly is always “in.” Check out PETA’s 2021 list of what’s “in” and “out”!

Why Biden’s Agriculture Secretary Nominee Tom Vilsack Could Be Disastrous

PETA challenges Mr. Vilsack to prove his many critics wrong by committing to enforcing animal protection laws as if lives depended on it—because they do.

Support + Feed Joins Billie Eilish’s Eco-Friendly World Tour to Promote Vegan Eats

One activist stepped up to save local vegan restaurants and feed those in need during a worldwide pandemic. Here’s why her company won a major PETA award.

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Victory! Animals Spared Deadly Tests in Taiwan After PETA Appeal

This new regulation will save so many animals’ lives! Learn more about PETA’s work with foreign countries to end pointless experiments on animals.

PETA: Speciesism Should Be Stamped Out Like All Other Forms of Supremacy

The global pandemic and growing awareness of inequality have prompted a social reckoning—one that should include a reflection on the ways in which humans violate other animals.

SNL: Jason Bateman Introduced Us to Mikey—Here’s the Chimpanzee’s Real Story

Thanks to PETA and other animal rights activists, if “Saturday Night Live” filmed its “monkeys throwing poop” skit today, exploiting Mikey or other chimpanzees wouldn’t be an option.

PETA Puts Louis Vuitton on Blast—Using Animal Skins Is Not Humane

Louis Vuitton’s CEO, Michael Burke, claimed that the animals used in the company’s products are “humanely farmed.” PETA had a few things to say about that.

‘Guinea Pig’ and ‘COVID Vaccine’ Don’t Belong in the Same Sentence

Humans can consent to being tested on—guinea pigs can’t. So to the news outlets perpetuating speciesism, we’ve got some news, too: Words matter—stop using anti-animal language!

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