Trophy Hunter Posts Grisly Photos With Giraffe’s Cut-Out Heart

A hunter who killed a giraffe posted selfies to FB showing her posing with the animal’s heart, calling it the “perfect” Valentine’s Day gift.

Students, Level Up Your Activism—Sign Up Now for SOS’ Spring Retreat

Now’s your chance to network with other student activists and brainstorm, strategize, and plan ways to end speciesism. Register now—the first 100 people to sign up will get exclusive freebies!

PETA Latino Hung Massive Banner Demanding Freedom for Lolita

PETA Latino unveiled a massive banner demanding the release of Lolita, who is still languishing in the smallest orca tank in the world.

Fish-Free Friday! PETA LAMBS Gives Away Meals for a Compassionate Lent

If the purpose of this season is to honor Christ’s sacrifice and to demonstrate the same compassion that He showed us, should we be eating fish during Lent?

Calling All Pisces (and All Other Signs!): Celebrate Fish This Season

Pisces symbolizes empathy and intuition. This Pisces season, let’s empathize with fish by leaving them off our plates and protecting them from other cruelty.

Wake Forest U. Skirting U.S. Research Rules for Monkey Torture in China?

PETA demands an investigation: Is Wake Forest University complicit in the misuse of U.S. funds in monkey black-site, torture-type experiments?

How Dogs in the Sledding Industry Are ‘Factory-Farmed and Warehoused’

Why should you stop using the term “sled dog”? PETA explains why this is speciesist and how dogs are “factory-farmed” for deadly races like the Iditarod.

© CCI Entertainment
Mutated Mink Coronavirus Pushes Global Fur Industry to a Breaking Point

The list of countries with mink COVID-19 outbreaks seems to be growing every day. As the global fur industry collapses, PETA can only say, “We told you so.”

Animal Companions
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue—Spaying and Neutering Beats Dinner for 2

Roses are red. Violets are blue. If you love your animal companion, here’s what you should do!

Victory! Fortnum & Mason Bans Foie Gras After 10-Year Campaign

Excellent news for ducks and geese! PETA U.K. celebrates as the iconic British grocer bans “torture in a tin.” Here are the top moments from its decade-long push.

WATCH: Mice Struggle to Crawl After Experimenters Crush Spinal Cords

At Germany’s Ruhr-University Bochum, experimenters mutilated mice in useless and unreliable tests. Find out how YOU can help advance research!

Students: Your Art Can Help Us ‘Stick It’ to Urban Outfitters!

Are you a student who loves to get creative for animal rights? Submit a design for Students Opposing Speciesism’s next sticker and help end Urban Outfitters’ sale of clothing made from materials that were stolen from animals.

An Interception in PETA’s Books! Tyrann’s Takedown Scores $100K for Desperate Dogs

As if starring in two viral PETA videos to speak up for dogs weren’t enough, Tyrann Mathieu has now scored a donation that will help PETA help more vulnerable dogs.

These Food Scientists Keep Fish Alive and Oceans Thriving—Here’s How

The end of fishing? These food scientists are making it happen. Here’s how vegan fish and cell-based shrimp keep fish alive and help oceans thrive.

PETA Uproots Monkey Experimenter Elisabeth Murray’s Twisted ‘Family Tree’

How do new scientists learn to think of living animals as mere lab equipment? They’re taught detachment and speciesism by their teachers.

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