PETA Exposes Trainer Bob Baffert’s Business Ties to Kentucky Horse Racing Commissioners

PETA calls on the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission to address potential conflicts of interest related to Medina Spirit’s trainer, Bob Baffert.

Animal Companions
PETA Has a Top 10 List for Everything, Even Top 10 Lists

PETA has made a lot of top 10 lists over the decades, so it was only natural to compile the top 10 of them! Check out our top 10 top 10 lists for food finds, reasons to go vegan, and more.

Tiger in Houston Found Wandering Loose—PETA Calls For Crackdown on the Big-Cat Trade

A gun was pointed at the tiger, who was viewed as a threat, even though it was a human’s fault the animal was in a residential neighborhood to begin with.

Animal Companions
What’s Up, Jax? Rescued Guinea Pig Loves Carrots More Than Bugs Bunny Does

Tuber or not tuber? A carrot-loving guinea pig who was rescued by PETA is seeking a new place to put down roots.

‘The Sopranos’ Star Edie Falco Calls For Primate Center to Shut Down

Edie Falco left phone messages for 18,000 UW faculty and staff to tell them about the horrific cruelty to monkeys taking place right on campus and to urge them to speak up.

PETA Debunks University of Washington’s Lies About Primate Research, One by One

Experimenters at the Washington National Primate Research Center tried to defend their abuse of monkeys—and failed miserably. PETA’s got the cold, hard facts.

A representation of primates at UW
Man Shoots His Dog, Then Barbecues the Body on His Front Lawn

A man shot and killed his dog, then used $100 bills to light a fire and barbecue the body. If you find this disturbing but you eat meat, think about your perception.

Princess Was a Mother, Prisoner, and Victim of the WNPRC—See Her Story

This is the story of a princess whose life was anything but a fairy tale. She wasn’t born in a castle—she was born in a laboratory.

New PETA Kids Comic: These Kids Refuse to Hatch Chicks in Class

A teacher asks her students to imagine being a chick hatched in a classroom, with no mother to protect them. See how the students feel about chick-hatching lessons then!

Negligence, Abuse, and … Fatal Fires? For Animals, Roadside Zoos Really Are Hell on Earth

Roadside zoos are going up in flames—for real. Hundreds of animals have been killed in fires during the last few years alone—and these are just some of the ones that were reported.

Wildly Dangerous California Event With Live Bear Prompts PETA Call to the Feds

It bears repeating: Animals are not ours to use for entertainment. PETA has alerted the feds after a dangerous California event featured a live Kodiak bear.

PETA Is Suing: NIH and NIMH Must Stop Mutilating, Tormenting, and Scaring Animals

PETA is demanding reports on animal experiments involving food deprivation, near drowning, electric shocks, and other equally horrific activities.

Odd the Monkey Rescued From Abusive Thai Coconut Industry

Thanks to PETA Asia, Odd the monkey can finally enjoy a normal life—away from Thailand’s cruel coconut industry. Here’s how you can help others!

Wearing Hazmat Suits and High Heels, PETA Turns Heads Outside Hermès Store in NYC

After Hermès executives refused to address PETA’s question at the company’s annual meeting, we called in some reinforcements wearing hazmat suits and high heels.

Animal Companions
Video: How to Prepare Your Pup for Post-Pandemic Life

If your new normal includes spending less time at home, here are some tips to help animal companions adjust to the change.

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