Going to Petra? 5 Terrible Reasons Why Animals Suffer in the ‘Lost City’

Here’s what you can actually do about it.

New Video Reveals Animals Are Still Beaten at Petra

This latest PETA Asia exposé once again shows the need for a ban on forcing animals to haul tourists around the historic city.

After a PETA Exposé of Animal Abuse in Petra, a Saudi Prince Steps In to Help

Animals working in unbearable conditions will be sent to sanctuaries, replaced by clean electric vehicles.

© iStock.com/Cecile-Arcurs
World’s First Beluga-Whale Sanctuary to Welcome New Residents Next Year

Little Grey and Little White will be moved from a Chinese marine park to an open-water sanctuary in Iceland. SeaWorld needs to get on board.

In 1865, Two Whales Boiled to Death in Tiny Tanks as a Museum Burned Down

P.T. Barnum was exploiting animals long before his traveling circus was formed. This crazy #throwback post will leave you shocked.

Worried About the Ocean? Plastic Straws Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg

If you care about keeping animals in the ocean safe from plastic waste, don’t just look to your drinking straw—look to your dinner plate.

Video: Bull Used for Human ‘Entertainment’ Stomps Rodeo Rider to Death

Tormenting bulls for entertainment is as dangerous to them as it is to the human riders. The difference is, the bulls didn’t consent.

Pamela Anderson Thanks the World Health Organization: ‘Breast Is Best’

The PETA ambassador is thanking the agency for its pro-breastfeeding resolution, which seeks to decrease the use of cruel cow’s milk formulas.

Update: Animals Mutilated, Burned at UTMB

Newly released USDA documents show that the University of Texas Medical Branch apparently can’t clean up its act.

VIDEO: Woman Learns the Hard Way—Don’t Hand-Feed Sharks

There’s nothing “shocking” about a shark doing what sharks do. Learn from this woman’s mistake—as she has. Please, leave wildlife in peace.

PETA Pushes Stock-Image Companies to Ban Unnatural Images of Primates

Images of exploited apes and monkeys in the media cause animal suffering, harm conservation efforts, and bolster the illegal wildlife trade.

© Dreamstime
GRAPHIC: More Proof That Fish Are Suffering in Food Industry (Photos)

Deformed hearts, severe lice damage, swollen kidneys, and pancreas disease—all found among hundreds of thousands of salmon in Scotland.

PETA Visits Border Center: Calls On Public to Keep All Loving Families Together

To separate any family forcibly is inexcusable and inhumane. PETA encourages everyone to help keep all caring mothers with their babies.

UPDATE: Game-Changing Woocoa Earns PETA’s 2018 Animal-Free Wool Prize

The innovative team’s hemp-, coconut-, and mushroom-derived material is helping to stop sheep from being shorn bloody for their wool.

LEFT: Valery Rizzo
RIGHT: Woocoa
Butterfly Releases at Weddings and Other Events Are Bad for Animals

Many butterflies are crushed or die from exposure before they ever reach their destination. Never include a butterfly release at your event.

© iStock.com/OGPhoto
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