Celebs Love the No. 1 New Release ‘Animalkind’! See What They’re Saying

Find out which celebrities are taking advantage of their time at home to check out PETA president’s new book, “Animalkind”!

Video: Rescuers Save Dog Wrapped in Vine for Days on Taal Volcano

Following the dog’s cries, they found him hopelessly entangled in a vine—dehydrated, starving, and suffering from a leg injury.

PETA Picks What’s ‘In’ and What’s ‘Out’ for 2020

Don’t get left behind! Moving into 2020, compassion for animals and concern for the planet will be at the forefront of everyone’s mind.

Blood, Bodypaint, and Black Sludge: See PETA’s Top 2019 Photos

2019 was PETA’s most inspirational year yet—and this list is proof! See stunning photos of our boldest protests and most heartwarming rescues of the year.

Live-Animal Donations Are Not Charitable Holiday Gifts—Boycott Heifer International

Sending farmed animals to families in impoverished countries can exacerbate financial and environmental strain while also causing significant animal suffering.

WATCH: 2019 Was an Eye-Popping, Record-Breaking Year for PETA

The EPA announced the end of animal tests, Macy’s banned fur, and KFC served vegan chicken. PETA was at the forefront of these jaw-dropping advances in animal rights and much more in 2019.

Truman State University Approves PETA Campus Rep’s Club Following Uproar

Missouri’s Truman State University has changed its policy and no longer denies groups based on the subjective viewpoints of administrators.

Rivera Eye Photography for FIRE.
Avon Products, Inc., Earns ‘Working for Regulatory Change’ Listing From PETA

Avon Products, Inc., is making even more progress for animals in laboratories!

© iStock.com/Volodymyr_Plysiuk
50 Terrible Things SeaWorld Has Done Since Corky’s Capture 50 Years Ago

To reflect on the 50 years Corky has spent in captivity, we’re listing 50 awful things that have taken place at SeaWorld since her December 11, 1969, abduction.

Joaquin Phoenix’s Newest Must-See Film: ‘The Animal People’

“The Animal People” is the story of a group of advocates determined to shut down the world’s largest animal-testing lab and an industry hell-bent on stopping them.

© The Animal People
Male Piglets Are First Nonhuman Animals to Sue Germany’s Highest Court

By allowing castration without anesthesia, Germany’s government is violating male piglets’ rights. The piglets’ response to the infringement is blazing a new trail.

It Looks Like a Children’s Book … but Look Closer

Just in time for the holidays, PETA is releasing “The Secret Lives of Animals,” a new “children’s book for adults.” Looks sweet, right? Look closer.

‘Animalkind’ Is Pretty Much the Only Book You Have to Read in 2020

In “Animalkind,” PETA President Ingrid Newkirk and bestselling author Gene Stone show readers unique and practical ways to respect and protect the animal world.

Watch These Animals Shed Their Worries After Being Rescued by Animal Rahat

Do you have time to watch formerly abused animals roll around in dirt baths of pure joy, as well as sharing kisses and quality cuddle time? Of course you do.

Will Dictionary.com Join PETA in Dismantling Speciesism?

Dictionary.com has a responsibility to provide accurate and comprehensive definitions that serve people and don’t mislead them.

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