20% of Workers Test Positive for COVID-19 at Trident Seafoods

Massive COVID-19 outbreaks are occurring at animal-killing facilities everywhere—most recently, nearly 20% of workers at Trident Seafoods tested positive.

Watch As Animal Rahat Rescues a Cobra From a Watery Grave

What can a snake do after falling into a well? Would passing humans put their speciesism aside and help this struggling living being in peril?

PETA Awards California Couple Who Caught a Killer on Camera

When a California man shot a trapped coyote in the face more than a dozen times, one couple caught it all on camera. Thanks to their quick action, the killer was convicted of cruelty to animals.

Careless Spring Breakers Ignoring COVID-19 Warnings: It’s Time to Go Vegan

If spring breakers in Florida were somehow still looking for a sign that the coronavirus pandemic should be taken seriously, PETA just gave it to them.

Self-Isolation Got You Feeling Trapped? Try Being a Dolphin at SeaWorld

SeaWorld is closed because of the coronavirus, but it should’ve closed long ago for cruelty. Tell the park not to reopen until all the dolphins and whales are released to seaside sanctuaries.

If Ever There Were an Essential Service Provider, PETA’s Field Team Is It

What do a tethered king, an ailing queen, Zeus without his palace, and a goose with a broken wing all have in common? Our field team was there for them when no one else was.

Rescued! Watch As a Dog Trapped in a Well Is Rescued Just in Time

PETA’s friends at Animal Rahat sprang into action after being alerted to a scared, weak dog trapped in a deep well. Here’s how you can support the group’s lifesaving work in India.

Coronavirus Vaccine: NIH Isn’t Waiting for Pointless Animal Tests

The first human trial of a vaccine that could protect against COVID-19 has begun—without lengthy tests on animals being done first. Here’s why this is good news for ALL beings.

Killing Sprees at College Labs During COVID-19 Shutdown

Experimenters at two universities deemed animals nonessential and killed them. PETA’s calling them out for wasting tax dollars in this bloodbath.

Watch as Animal Rahat Helps a Scared Mother Cow Limping in Pain

Limping in pain, this scared mother cow didn’t know what to do to alleviate her agony. That’s when our friends at Animal Rahat answered a call for help.

In the Dead of Winter, PETA Helped Animals When No One Else Would

Could you live outdoors in the winter, wet and muddy in near-freezing temperatures? Check out these photos of animals PETA aided in February.

‘Animalkind’: Listen to the Best Animal Rights Book of 2020

“Animalkind” is an Amazon bestseller, and celebrities are raving about it—and now, it’s available to everyone who’d rather read a book with their ears.

iStock.com/Elitsa Deykova
‘Animalkind’ Earns ‘Best of All Time’ Honor! See What Readers Are Saying

BookAuthority has deemed “Animalkind” one of the best animal behavior books of all time. See what readers are saying and find out how to order your copy now.

‘Animalkind’ Shows How Valentine’s Day Is for All Animals

Other animals have a lot to teach us about love: Be inspired by prairie voles’ partnerships, seabirds’ self-sacrificial offerings, elephants’ tender touches, and more.

PETA Founder Talks ‘Animalkind’ and Speciesism on ‘Real Time With Bill Maher’

We haven’t seen Bill Maher this excited about a guest on “Real Time” in a while. Watch PETA’s president talk about speciesism and her new book, “Animalkind.”

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