Truck Driver Who Killed Regan Russell Pleads Guilty to Careless Driving Charge

Regan Russell was killed while she was bearing witness to the suffering of slaughter-bound pigs. She spent her last moments on Earth showing kindness to animals, and everyone can honor her memory by going vegan.

It’ll Take You Less Than 18 Seconds to Help These 18 Dogs Trapped at Texas A&M

Misguided efforts, dried-up funding, zero insight gained—why is Texas A&M University STILL holding dogs from its notorious canine muscular dystrophy laboratory prisoner?

PETA Condemns Hostile Man Who Threw Live Pig at Animal Rights Activists

The cruel incident of animal abuse took place at a demonstration outside Glen’s Packing Co.—a slaughterhouse in Hallettsville, Texas.

Texas Animal Freedom Fighters
It’s Time to See Ourselves in Everyone Else

Those of us who champion animal rights believe with all our hearts in civil rights because, to us, it is one big struggle against all the ugly “-isms,” all hate, all bias, all injustice.

‘No One Needs to Kill to Eat’—but Shore Transit Doesn’t Want You to Know It

Does Shore Transit have a problem with PETA’s freedom of expression in our efforts to save animals? Judging by the agency’s refusal to run our latest ads, we’d say so.

Why Do Black and Brown People Go Vegan? We’re Eating for the Revolution

Living vegan is a political and revolutionary act against an unjust status quo. Here’s how going vegan positively impacts our communities.

Did You Know Most Snakes Are Shy? Learn More With ‘Animalkind’

Did you know most of the 3,000 species of snakes are shy? You can discover the hidden lives of snakes and other animals in PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s book “Animalkind.”

Boy Feeds Sheep, Contracts a Viral Illness ‘With Parallels to COVID-19’

Orf is one of the many reasons why raising sheep to be killed for wool and meat is dangerous. And it’s not the only viral zoonotic illness you can contract from sheep.

Pregnant Elephant’s Death Proves Elephants Need You Now

A pregnant elephant died after eating a pineapple filled with firecrackers. Imagine how scared she must have been when the fruit exploded.

Why Is NPR Glossing Over Animal Abuse?

A nonprofit media organization “founded on a mission to create a more informed public” shouldn’t be routinely leaving information about cruelty to animals out of its coverage.

PETA Believes in the Struggle for Racial Justice

As an organization dedicated to abolishing supremacy, PETA is heartbroken and infuriated to see racism and discrimination continue to kill.

‘Animal Crossing’ Players Are Using Art to Speak Up for Animals

Whether you want to protest Blathers’ museum or you just want to rock some vegan swag, these Animal Crossing: New Horizons designs are must-haves.

Owls Are Being Tortured, Killed at Johns Hopkins for ADHD ‘Research’

Barn owls’ skulls are cut open and electrodes inserted into their brains—all so an experimenter can pretend he might learn about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in humans.

Hold JBS Accountable for Trampled Piglets, Mutilated Conscious Cows

How can we trust JBS to take safety measures to slow the COVID-19 pandemic when it’s apparently never cared about following the law?

‘HIDDEN’ Shines a Light on Humans’ ‘Invisible War’ With Other Animals

New book “HIDDEN” is a memorial to animals exploited by humans. For many, whether or not we heed its plea is a matter of life and death.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
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