There’s NoBUNNY Else Like You, Mom! Free Mother’s Day Cards

Mother’s Day should honor all the great mamas out there, including ones covered with fur, scales, or feathers. This year, give yours a printable PETA Kids Mother’s Day card featuring an animal mom and her baby.

Watch: New Sanctuary Gives Exhausted Bullocks a Well-Deserved Retirement

After enduring a life of pain and misery, these rescued animals finally found freedom at Animal Rahat’s lush new sanctuary. Find out how you can help save more.

PETA’s Ultimate Guide to Eating Vegan This Earth Day

Eating vegan—even for just a single day—is an effective way to help the planet. Here are PETA’s tips and resources to help you go vegan on Earth Day and beyond.

The Results Are In! The Winners of PETA’s 2020 Oscat Awards Are …

Every year, PETA honors the actors, directors, writers, and others who advocate for animals through film. Here are the winners of the fourth annual Oscats!

Trailblazing Lawsuit Rejected on Technicality: PETA Fights On For Owls

The federal government’s speciesist arguments against our landmark suit on behalf of owls trapped in a Johns Hopkins University lab don’t hold up.

Out of the Lab, Into the Light: PETA’s ‘Without Consent’ Honors Vivisection Victims

It’s moving viewers to tears—and action. Experience PETA’s bold new exhibit and see nearly 200 stories about animals used in experiments.

The Secret Ingredient That’s Been Missing From Your Beauty Routine: Tofu!

Are you after glossier hair, whiter teeth, and more radiant skin? Then PETA’s got news for you: Our tofu beauty product lineup is available now! Visit the PETA Shop to order yours.

Not Your Average Easter Card: A Printable Card With an Unmistakable Message

This downloadable Easter card from PETA LAMBS uses poetry to raise a question: Should we celebrate Jesus’ life by funding animals’ deaths?

Join In! See How PETA’s Legal Team Is Chipping Away at Animal Oppression

Closing down animal prisons, locking up abusers, and pushing boundaries—it’s all in a day’s work for PETA’s “legal eagles.” Sign up for our special virtual event on April 8 to learn how they do it!

Meet the Women in Music Using Their Voices to Help Animals

As we continue to celebrate Women’s History Month, PETA is singing the praises of women in music who are using their voices to speak up for animals.

14 Ways to Make Your Stimulus Check Count for Animals

An extra $1,400 might not be a lifesaver for you—but it could be for an animal with little or nothing. Here are some ideas that “pay it forward”!

Nearly 900 Sea-Stranded Calves Sail to Their Deaths—Here’s What You Can Do

One second of this claustrophobic, filthy nightmare is a second too many for any of us, and the remaining 864 calves, just 7 to 8 months old, have been living like this since mid-December.

© PETA/Karremann
International Women’s Day: Why You Can’t Be a Cheese-Eating Feminist

Whether horse or human, cow or chicken, all females deserve respect. Here’s how to take a stand against abuse on International Women’s Day and every day.

Students, Level Up Your Activism—Sign Up Now for SOS’ Spring Retreat

Now’s your chance to network with other student activists and brainstorm, strategize, and plan ways to end speciesism. Register now—the first 100 people to sign up will get exclusive freebies!

Calling All Pisces (and All Other Signs!): Celebrate Fish This Season

Pisces symbolizes empathy and intuition. This Pisces season, let’s empathize with fish by leaving them off our plates and protecting them from other cruelty.

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