See What PETA Did to Shut Down a Horrific Swiss Experiment on Birds

A Swiss experimenter wanted to drill holes into the skulls of birds in preposterous and deadly experiments—until PETA scientists helped shut him down.

Artist Depicts a Cow’s Face Using Rice, Making a Powerful Statement

Can rice art depict a cow so effectively that it wins your heart? Watch this short time-lapse video to discover more reasons to love these gregarious grazers.

How to Answer if Someone Asks, ‘Why Do People Hate PETA?’

Hating on PETA won’t change the facts: Countless animals are suffering, and we have the power to help them.

Why Is PETA Urging President Biden to Fire These Top USDA Officials?

PETA and a host of other animal rights groups are calling for President Joe Biden to take this urgent action to help ensure that disasters like Envigo don’t occur again.

Calling All Young People: peta2’s Brand-New Website Is the Best Place to Help Animals

Skincare routines, shopping guides, ways to help animals, the latest vegan trends—peta2’s new website is helping young people make a world of difference.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals Media
No Mere ‘Fowl Play’ on the Internet: Video on the Putrid Search Results for ‘Chicken’

Going to google “chicken” and hoping for a happy experience learning about living birds? PETA’s video exposes what usually happens instead.

PETA-Supported Teams Overcome Tremendous Odds to Secure Food for 35 Skinny Horses in Ukraine

From orphans feeding homeless animals to a little dog getting a chance at a better life, you won’t want to miss these updates from PETA-supported rescuers in Ukraine. Here’s how your Global Compassion Fund support is making all of this possible!

Victory! USDA Cracks Down on Craig Kokas

Craig Kokas kept hundreds of animals at his hellhole of a breeding operation for years—now the USDA is acting on its damning findings.

Photos: H&M’s Devilish Down Sales Summon PETA U.K. ‘Angels’ to Shareholder Meeting

To push H&M to stop peddling cruelly obtained down, PETA tried a new angle—or “angel,” rather—at the company’s annual shareholder meeting.

Civil Unrest in Jordan Blocks Animals From Receiving Care

Animals in Petra rely on free veterinary care provided by a clinic supported by PETA’s Global Compassion Fund. What will happen to them as civil unrest erupts on the streets?

More Than 100 Animals Have Died in Fires Recently, and the Reason Why Might Surprise You

Hoarders who claim to “save” animals often cage them in criminally cruel conditions. When fires break out, animals have no chance to escape. (Warning: graphic images)

Parents: Don’t Miss This Free Animal-Friendly Kids’ Magazine

From puzzles and stickers to vegan tips, this free magazine has everything your kids need to be superheroes for animals.

Boost Your Child’s Compassion With These Animal-Friendly Reads for Kids

If you’re looking for new stories to fire your child’s imagination, PETA Kids’ favorite books are full of colorful and engaging tales of empathy for animals.

New York Governor Wants to Lend Nearly Half a Billion Dollars for WHAT?

Why is the Coalition to End Horse Racing Subsidies going up against New York’s governor? PETA reveals the answer via some disturbing facts and lets you know how to help.

Singer Alissa White-Gluz Transformed Into What for This PETA Ad?

Animal advocate Alissa White-Gluz is the lead vocalist in the melodic death metal band Arch Enemy and a dedicated vegan.

Photo: © Shayan Asgharnia
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