Campaign Updates: U.S. Army Resumes Weapons-Wounding Tests on Animals

Discover the chilling secrets behind the front lines as thousands of people read PETA’s scorching op-ed by retired Army Sgt. Carla Gunn.

Hellhole Colombian Laboratory Allowed a Second Chance at Your Tax Money

A leaked letter appears to show that NIH is open to continuing to bankroll a Colombian animal laboratory already shuttered by authorities.

SeaQuest Folsom Keeps Failing Animals: Feds Slam It With More Citations

Seedy SeaQuest Folsom failed animals again?! Find out why the feds slapped it with four more citations and what you can do.

Imported Monkeys Cause Tuberculosis Outbreak in Michigan Lab

PETA has uncovered documents revealing that stressed-out monkeys crisscrossing the U.S. may have brought a deadly surprise with them.

Animal Companions
Just a Few Minutes Can Be Deadly: Never Leave Your Dog in the Car

Even when cars are designed with emergency fail-safe systems, they can still fail. So how can you trust that your dog will be safe in a car with the AC running?

Carla Morrison Joins PETA Latino for Powerful Anti-Fireworks PSA

Latin Grammy–winning artist Carla Morrison teamed up with PETA Latino to deliver an anti-fireworks PSA urging people to celebrate with compassion.

Dairy Months?! No Whey! PETA Takes Pride in Posting Ads to Help Cows in June and July

Must June be National Dairy Month and July be National Ice Cream Month? No whey! Find out how PETA’s latest ads take pride in promoting compassion for cows.

Drop the Down! PETA Calls Out Target Execs on Bird Welfare Hypocrisy During Annual Meeting

Love shopping at Target but wish it would stop selling down products? Learn how a Target shareholder ruffled feathers at the company’s annual meeting.

Target logo: ©Target
‘No-Kill’ Policies Save Shelters’ Statistics—Not Animals

These animals were bludgeoned, poisoned, strangled, and killed in other horrific ways—all because of “no-kill” shelter policies.

Animals Starved, Suffocated, and Baked to Death at University of Washington

How many more animal carcasses have to pile up at the University of Washington before the laboratories are shut down?

Meet a Vivisection Victim: p53, a Genetically Modified Mouse

Millions of mice are used in deadly experiments every year. But how do they end up in laboratories? Here’s one mouse’s story—in her own words.

Cruel, Seedy, and Greedy: Comparing Animal Hoarders, Roadside Zoos, and Puppy Mills

How do animal hoarders compare with roadside zoos and puppy mills? PETA spotlights their speciesist similarities and what you can do to help their victims.

Abducting Monkeys From Forests Is Making You Sick—Here’s Why

If scientists really used reason and logic, they’d acknowledge the evidence proving why using abducted monkeys is killing their chances of finding cures.

Is There a ‘Dark Side’ to PETA? Board Our Starship to Shine Light on a Rebel Force

If someone asks, “What’s the dark side of PETA?” we’ve got the answer. Let us shine a lightsaber on the truth of our efforts for animal rights.

Going Vegan Is Not the Same as Going On a ‘Diet’—Here’s Why

Being vegan is a way of life—not a “diet.” While vegan foods offer health benefits, many people opt to go vegan for ethical, environmental, and humanitarian reasons.

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