Animal Companions
Honor a Loved One on ‘Animal Companion Memorial Day’

We remember our departed animals every day, but “Pet” Memorial Day is a wonderful time to pay special tribute to them.

Taking Down Animal Abusers From the Inside: Hear How PETA Goes Undercover

It can be heartbreaking and dangerous, but it saves thousands of lives. Hear PETA Vice President Daniel Paden explain the work of our undercover investigation team.

It’s Time for Hollywood to ‘Strike’ Animal Exploitation

The writers’ and actors’ strike gives animals who are used for entertainment a much-needed break. Let’s call, “Cut!” on this exploitation.

Zoo Med CEO Gives 10K Monthly to Organization That’s Rotten to Reptiles

Reptile supply company Zoo Med profits from snakes’ suffering and gives money to organizations that contribute to it.

Animal Companions
Fighting Poaching With Puppets: ‘Slotherhouse’ Wins Award From PETA

“Slotherhouse,” the horror-comedy film that uses puppetry to convey an anti-poaching message while delivering laughs, has earned an award from PETA.

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Calling All Gamers! Learn Why September 10 Is Your Day to Make a Difference

Give PETA a power-up that will boost our vital work and “pwn” animal abusers in laboratories, roadside zoos, and other places.

Video Reportedly Shows a Few Survivors Swimming Among the Dead at PetSmart

A viral TikTok video of dozens of seemingly dead fish reportedly filmed at PetSmart proves that if you love fish, you should never buy them.

3 Reasons to Never Touch an Elephant—According to Science

PETA knows that elephants deserve respect, but now science is backing us up. Read up on a new study that found three reasons you should never touch an elephant.

Flesh-Trafficking Giants Tyson and Perdue to Close Plants in an Attempt to Cut Costs

Companies like Tyson and Perdue are shutting down slaughterhouses in an effort to cut costs as the demand for meat drops.

PHOTOS: PETA Latino Throws a Fun Fiesta for Its Tenth Anniversary

Which anniversary milestone did PETA Latino celebrate by throwing a thrilling fiesta? Find out here—and get details about the star-studded evening.

Goodbye to a National Treasure, Bob Barker

Farewell to a friend.
Celebrating a Decade of Celebrity Advocacy: PETA Latino’s Remarkable 10-Year Journey

Check out the amazing PETA Latino celebrities who have sparked conversations and inspired action for animal rights over the past 10 years.

Harvard Still Funding Fraudulent Colombian Operation—Even After NIH Defunded It

PETA’s investigation into a fraudulent Colombian operation prompted federal legislation in the U.S.—and NIH defunding. So why is Harvard still backing it?

The Will to Be! Hamlet’s Story May Have You Crying Tears of Joy

After suffering the slings and arrows (or in this case—missiles) of outrageous fortune, Hamlet and his guardian were left with only their lives—and injured Hamlet needed help, fast.

Historic News: Top Colombian University Bans Forced Swim Test on Animals

Universidad del Valle is the first college in Latin America to join universities in the U.K. and Australia by taking this groundbreaking action.

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