Prince Charles Gets ‘Goosed’ at the White House

Prince Charles gets honks from a grateful “goose” during his White House visit.

Teaching Prisoners to Butcher Animals—Dumbest Idea Ever?

File under “What were they thinking?” A Minnesota state senator wants to give inmates a license to kill.

PETA Cancels ‘Adoption is Forever’ Billboard

PETA cancels plans to run a pro-adoption ad campaign because of a controversial situation leading to the reconsideration of ‘re-homing’ laws.

‘Sam Got Them Out!’ A Poem About Sam Simon by Ingrid E. Newkirk

A poem written for animal ally and PETA Honorary Director Sam Simon.

Sam Simon: A True Hero for Animals

The animals have lost a true ally and a sharp and honest tongue with the passing of PETA Honorary Director and entertainment giant Sam Simon, who was our dear friend, a stalwart champion of animal rights, and the multiple Emmy Award–winning co-creator of The Simpsons and one of the writing geniuses behind hit shows like … Read more »

12 Celebrity Reactions to Ringling’s Big Announcement

A look at what celebrities are saying about Ringling phasing out the use of elephants!

Tell Colton Dixon and Lecrae to Cancel Show at SeaWorld!

SeaWorld Orlando is targeting Christians by hosting a Christian musical festival called Praise Wave.

PETA Takes Sides at the Super Bowl—Who Did We Choose?

We’re fans of the Patriots, and of course, we also love the Seahawks (or “ospreys”)—but we’re hoping that the big winners will be …

Gun Violence and Young Hunters: The Irrefutable Connection

A large number of U.S. mass shooters were exposed to hunting or other forms of violence against animals at an early age.

This Yom Kippur, Ditch Leather for Good

Why ditch leather shoes only on Yom Kippur? Judaism offers plenty of reasons to shun leather every day of the year.

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