Watch Man Rescue Dog Whose Tongue Was Stuck to an Ice-Cold Manhole Cover

Frigid winter weather can mean danger for companion animals who are stuck outdoors—sometimes in unexpected ways.

Here’s Why That Viral Chick-Hatching Video Is Actually Dark and Demented

Ever wonder where these chicks go after their stint in kindergarten jail?

Animal Companions
PETA Fights for Lonely and Cold Chained Dogs in Virginia

A new bill introduced in the Virginia House of Delegates would prohibit tethering dogs overnight, in extreme temperatures, and during weather emergencies.

Video Shows How Far Pigs Will Go to Protect Their Friends From Death

If you had a chance to save a friend or family member from certain death, wouldn’t you take it?

Animal Companions
PETA Fieldworkers Bring Kindness and Warmth to Dogs Suffering in Frigid Weather

PETA fieldworkers won’t let anything stop them from helping animals in need.

11 Surprising Ways That Your New Year’s Resolutions Can Help Animals

Want to help animals more in 2018 but your list of New Year’s resolutions is already stretching to War and Peace proportions? Not to worry.

PETA Courts Controversy by Showing Roasted Dog’s Head on Holiday Table

The ad asks people to consider why we regard some animals to be “family” and others to be “dinner.”

Philly to Start 2018 Right by Shutting Down Philadelphia Carriage Co.

This company came under fire after it illegally forced sick horses to haul heavy carriages day in and day out.

This Video Will Melt Your Heart: Christmas the Puppy’s First Holiday

Gone are the days when Christmas had to fight for scraps just to survive.

Humane Home
Women Cry Tears of Joy After Freeing Mouse from Glue Trap (VIDEO)

Do you know what to do if you find an animal stuck in a glue trap? Your actions could mean the difference between an animal’s life and death.

Animal Companions
3 Reasons Why ‘The Last Jedi’ Supports Animal Liberation

Star Wars is a piece of artwork that reflects pop culture and some of the most profound issues of our time.

Brava! How ‘Feminism’ as the Word of the Year Helps Women and Animals

“Go home, kitchen bitches.” That’s the banner that greeted animal rights advocates. But women and animals won that round, and we’re still winning.

Little Boy Enraged at Dad for Killing a Mouse Tells Him What’s What

I want to be this kid when I grow up.

Replace Harmful Idioms With Compassionate Ones

Many classic idioms model dangerous attitudes toward animals. TeachKind has compiled fun, kind alternatives for 10 commonly used idioms that belittle animals.

Woman Accidentally Kills Her 9 Parakeets While Cooking a Turkey

She wanted only one dead bird—instead, she got 10. The sad irony of this story should be a wake-up call to self-professed “animal lovers.”

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