‘Our Jenny’: PETA Honors Late Animal Advocate With Action for Animals

More than all the candles, flowers, tears, and words in the world, Jenny would have wanted anyone honoring her memory to do so by showing kindness to animals.

How His Mother’s Schizophrenia Taught Him to Have Empathy for All Animals

PETA’s Dan Mathews shares how being raised by a mother with schizophrenia led him to develop creative and effective ways to help animals and humans.

RIGHT: © Corey Sipkin
Just Released: Cows Suffer on JBS Trucks for Hours Before Slaughter

The appalling treatment of cows killed for their flesh begins long before workers hang them upside down, slit their throats, and bleed them out on a kill floor.

Hannah Elizabeth
Monkey Experimenters Describe People With Cognitive Disabilities as ‘Idiots’

People with cognitive disabilities are “human morons,” and animals are merely “subhuman,” according to notorious monkey tormenters Melinda Novak and Harry Harlow.

Think Spiders and Snakes Are Scary? Try Having Your Brain Sucked Out

If she wants to elicit maximum fear, Elisabeth Murray’s evil plan is working. Before using fake spiders and snakes, she saws open her victims’ skulls and injects them with toxins.

12 Reasons Why Sheep Hate the Wool Industry (and Why You Should, Too)

Did you know that sheep leap with excitement when they see their friends? These sheep facts will have you loathing the wool industry and saying #Never21.

BREAKING: Pigs Rescued From Slaughter in Activist Regan Russell’s Honor

Regan Russell spent her last moments outside a slaughterhouse, showing kindness to doomed pigs. See how PETA is honoring her life and how you, too, can turn pain into action.

It’ll Take You Less Than 18 Seconds to Help These 18 Dogs Trapped at Texas A&M

Misguided efforts, dried-up funding, zero insight gained—why is Texas A&M University STILL holding dogs from its notorious canine muscular dystrophy laboratory prisoner?

It’s Time to See Ourselves in Everyone Else

Those of us who champion animal rights believe with all our hearts in civil rights because, to us, it is one big struggle against all the ugly “-isms,” all hate, all bias, all injustice.

Did You Know Most Snakes Are Shy? Learn More With ‘Animalkind’

Did you know most of the 3,000 species of snakes are shy? You can discover the hidden lives of snakes and other animals in PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s book “Animalkind.”

Pregnant Elephant’s Death Proves Elephants Need You Now

A pregnant elephant died after eating a pineapple filled with firecrackers. Imagine how scared she must have been when the fruit exploded.

Hold JBS Accountable for Trampled Piglets, Mutilated Conscious Cows

How can we trust JBS to take safety measures to slow the COVID-19 pandemic when it’s apparently never cared about following the law?

‘HIDDEN’ Shines a Light on Humans’ ‘Invisible War’ With Other Animals

New book “HIDDEN” is a memorial to animals exploited by humans. For many, whether or not we heed its plea is a matter of life and death.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
Do Animals Grieve? Hear Heartwarming Stories From PETA’s President

Do animals grieve? Do they feel love? Hear heartwarming stories of dogs, birds, elephants, and more with Ingrid Newkirk, author of “AnimalKind.”

Video of Dying Cows in Semi-Truck Wreckage Is Your Vegan Wake-up Call

The video of this crash is completely heartbreaking. Those cows never should have been on that truck in the first place.

Antelope County News
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