Animal Companions
Video: Firefighters Save Dog Who Nearly Died While Trapped in Tiny Carrier

When a fire broke out at an Oakland, California, residence, a family rushed to safety. But one family member was left behind: a dog trapped inside a tiny carrier.

© Goodwin
Animal Companions
You Won’t Believe These So-Called ‘Doghouses’

You’d probably throw away old mattresses or exercise equipment, but such castoffs are the only things standing between these dogs and the next snowstorm.

Animal Companions
These Dogs Were Put in Crates—and Never Came Out

Not only is confining a dog to a crate for hours (or days) at a time cruel, it can also be deadly.

© Goodwin
Animal Companions
Our Message to Westminster: Homeless Dogs Lose Today

A throng of caged “dogs” reminds Westminster attendees that when they breed and buy purebreds, dogs in shelters lose their chance at finding a home—and a life.

Animal Companions
Hopeless No More: Meet Some of the Animals PETA Helped Last Month (Graphic)

From delivering doghouses to alleviating suffering to putting the brakes on animal births, it was a banner month for PETA’s fieldworkers and mobile clinics.

Animal Companions
Judge Throws the Book at Man Who Starved Puppy

He locked a puppy up and left him to die. Now he’s getting locked up.

Animal Companions
PETA to Place Anti-Crating Ad After Child Locked in a Cage in Wyoming

With a couple facing charges for caging a child, PETA plans to place a billboard reminding people that no one—child or dog—belongs in a crate.

© Goodwin
Animal Companions
Why We’re Urging ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star to Give Up Her Dogs

Following disturbing scenes of abuse, PETA is urging a “Teen Mom 2” star to give her dogs a chance at a better life.

dog photo ©
Animal Companions
Man Who Starved Pit Bull Gets Jail Time

A year after PETA volunteers made a gruesome discovery while out delivering straw bedding, a judge has sentenced a man for cruelty to animals.

Animal Companions
Dog Left in Crate When His Family Moved

It was one of those stories that was so appalling that people had to share it. A PETA supporter learned from someone at her workplace about a couple who had moved out of their house and left their St. Bernard there alone, caged in a crate 24 hours a day. She called us immediately. After … Read more »

Animal Companions
Photo: If You Wouldn’t Crate Your Child …

Photo of the day Dog © Goodwin With Ashly Clark, a Nebraska mother whose two young boys were found locked in a wire kennel during a police welfare check, set to go on trial on January 31, PETA is planning to erect a billboard in her area that reminds people that crating is wrong—for … Read more »

Animal Companions
Cages Aren’t Fit for Kids or Dogs

A Vancouver couple made international news when they did the unthinkable: locked their two autistic sons for months in a bedroom with bars on the window and door, turning it into a cage.  If you are disgusted by this (and who wouldn’t be?), consider this: If we force a dog to stay in a crate … Read more »

Animal Companions
Dogs Dying in Crates and Cars

photofinish2009 / CC by 2.0 Two recent news stories underscore the importance of making sure that dogs are kept indoors when temperatures soar. In South Carolina, a man named Charles Bell has been charged with cruelty after Animal Control officers reportedly discovered that a dog had died in a small wire crate in the man’s … Read more »

Animal Companions
What’s Wrong With Crating?

My pal Mylie has been at me to blog about crating dogs for a while now, and this is a perfect time to do it, since she just finished making a leaflet about it. Check out the leaflet below, and if you’d like to order some to pass out, click here.

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